254 results found
Allow databases to be grouped in folders
It would be great to be able to group databases into custom folders. This is very useful when you have a lot of databases and many of them are logically related (like ReportServer and ReportServerTempDb)
83 votes -
67 votes
Login Credentials for Internet Proxy
To look for and update dbFS requires internet access. Corporates often demand use of a proxy with login to open a path to the internet. I suggest that dbFS could at least present the login dialog box, and possibly remember my credentials for me when it strikes an internet proxy. This would allow the check for updates to work. Thanks
37 votes -
Unfortunately, Query Builder does not support CTE yet.
Per your response "Unfortunately, Query Builder does not support CTE yet."
You added support for CTE's to the application, but left it out of the query builder. So, the result is even though there is support now for CTE's, you still can't fully use it.
Can you you just add the WITH statement to the query builder along with the other (SELECT, DELETE, etc....) keywords it supports?
Seems like it would be a quick, simple, change.34 votes -
Modify table with foreign key constraints
Currently I always have to switch to SSMS to modify a table that is referenced by foreign key constraints, because I get errors that the table can't be rebuild.
Would be fine to get the same (or better) possibilities as in SSMS.31 votes -
Add exclusion list to dbForge Source Control
Currently dbForge Source Control display all objects in database. It would be great to be able filter out objects monitored by Source Control based on schema name or other condition.
- Exclude all objects in tmp schema
- Exclude all objects matching condition 'tmp%' or '%_bak'26 votes -
Displaying calculations in the status bar
I'm mooching this off of SqlRefactorStudio for SSMS, but since I'm really loving my dbForge Studio experience ... as T-SQL proficiency increases across my company, even our accountants are diving straight into SQL coding. They (and therefore I) have an inherent love of highlighting cells in Excel and seeing a number of common math done on the selected region such as SUM, MAX, MIN, and AVERAGE.
SQL Refactor Studio (for SSMS) has this remarkable ability to highlight cells in the result set and display the math dynamically in the status bar. dbForge Studio in all its magnificence doesn't have this…
24 votes -
create custom folders to group connections in data explorer
It would be nice to be able to group connections to folders in Data Explorer.
Ablility to create folder structures in Data Explorer and move connections to different folder.22 votes -
Add grouping under schemes
Sorry for my english. There is a proposal to add a group by the schemes so as not to squander the entire list of tables / views / procedures.
16 votes -
Creating constraints with nocheck
Recreating tables with data refill in some cases throw errors.
Please creat constraints with nocheck option first, and check it after if needed. Some ugly databases realy need this.16 votes -
Keyboard Shortcut Missing: Delete Line
Standard shortcut in visual studio/ssms missing. LineDelete.
I currently map to shift+delete and it will delete the entire line the cursor is one. However, I cannot find a corresponding command to map in DbForge Studio15 votes -
QoL improvement: Copy paste keys to follow predominate standards
When editing SQL text, would it be possible to change the default action of cut (CTRL-X), copy (CTRL-C) and paste (CTRL-V) to operate on the current line if no selection is visible? Every programming editor I've used do this as the default. An example use case: Cursor is in the middle of my current line and I want to delete the line. Current actions required are to press the HOME key (most times twice because the line is indented), hold down the SHIFT key and press the DOWN ARROW key, then press DELETE, or start typing with the new text.…
14 votes -
13 votes
Change export "options" for export to Excel/HTML etc.
I would like to suggest a new feature which will allow changing default export "options" for all exports to Excel/HTML format? I'm thinking about fonts, colors, alternating row colors etc.
I don't like default coloring so I would like to change it for all exports I do from dbForge Studio. Now I have to change them every time, and it's tricky because I have to manually copy complex colors to dialog, select fonts.
I was thinking that "Save template" would help me with this, but this saves whole data source too so I always get same data exported when…
13 votes -
Import data-tier application(.bacpac file) same option as present in MS SQL MS
Would be great to have the same option to import from Windows Azure
13 votes -
Virtual Relationships Between Databases On Database Diagram
On the database diagram, add ability to create virtual relationships between tables in different databases. This would help in documenting the implied relationships between databases.
12 votes -
Add option to hide schema as part of the table name in database diagrams.
Add option to hide schema as part of the table name in database diagrams. Since the new version 5.4 table name in database diagram show "SchemaName.TableName". Sometimes long table name get cropped so we have to extend the table's box to see the table name. Diagram need to be larger now... not good...
I'll go back to an older version for the time being.11 votes -
Sound notification at the end of long-runnig script
It would be very useful to have an option to enable sound notification of completion of long script execution (when it lasts for more than n seconds)
11 votesAdminDevart (_, Devart) responded
In version 6.0, the feature Execution Notification is added. It’s managed by the ‘Environment → Documents → Notifications’ section of the ‘Options’ window (select ‘Tools → Options…’ from the main menu).
Will that be enough or should there also be an option to choose a file to play?
Multiline tabs
Please add multiline tabs. I often have many tabs and it's much easier to navigate between them visually (i know where is each of them) then with dropdown or arrows.
Also, please add more descriptive names in document tab names, something like SQL1.SERVERNAME.DATABASE, or options with parameters so that everyone can name tabs based on connection. Now everything is SQL1, SQL2, SQL3 regardles on which database I'm connected to (and I'm usually connected to more that one database). Coloring helps me to distinguish between development and production database, but it's not easy do distinguish between two or more production databases…
11 votes -
cyclic automatic query refresh
A cyclic automatic query refresh should be possible. I'm a developer and like from time to time to observe my data. An idea is to have some buttons to <refresh every second>, <refresh every five seconds> and <refresh every 30 seconds>.
10 votes
- Don't see your idea?