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Code Compare

Code Compare is a tool to compare and merge differing files and folders. It takes into account the specificity of programming languages and can be used both as a Visual Studio add-in and as a standalone application.

Code Compare



135 results found

  1. Sometimes even the best automatic diff tool will match against the wrong lines. Some other diff programs offer a way to manually re-align these lines. It would be good if Code Compare introduced this feature too.

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  2. 37 votes
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  3. Implement "Undo Unchanged Files" feature for any folder in pending changes.
    For TFS this will be brilliant feature because there is no good tool/extension to do so.
    Especially it is useful when baseless merge is performed.
    Thanks in advance.

    31 votes
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  4. When comparing a file against its base in version control, it makes sense for the base pane to be read-only. This way it makes it obvious which file is editable. Same with merging - the mine and theirs should be read-only and only the result file should be editable.

    28 votes
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  5. Here is one obvious use case that's impacting me now. I'm comparing two versions of a software package (the older version has changes I made). But the newer version has an updated license text at the top of each .cs file, so every file is marked as changed, making the folder compare useless in this case.

    23 votes
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  6. Display author name opposite changed lines.

    22 votes
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  7. 20 votes
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  8. 20 votes
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  9. Main text compare window stays in light theme. Should completely be in dark theme.

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  10. Add another display that shows the currently selected line from each document above each other. It allows one to quickly see differences in the currently selected line that might ordinarily be difficult to see. You also have to do less horizontal scrolling with long lines this way.

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  11. The possibility of using additional regexp filters to include/exclude part of the data from the comparison.

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  12. Make it possible to use all Other, Local and Base versions of file for merging like it is implemented in kdiff3. It is helps in complex cases when Other version has changed a logic of code.

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  13. Currently there exists (as far as I know) only one small tool, which provides structural code comparison for Delphi, but it has not nearly as many functions as Code Compare.
    So you would have a unique selling proposition for users of Delphi. Especially in comparison to BeyondCompare, which is delivered with Delphi as a lite version.

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  14. Menu File
    Recently Compared Folder a<-->b

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  15. 16 votes
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  16. There is a tool that can merge sln Files, something similar should be possible for code Compare.
    If it code compare supports good xml merge this can be solved there

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  17. This feature allows you to select files for comparison from FTP server.

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  18. This feature allows you to learn statistic about differences in files and print comparison results.

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  19. 12 votes
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  20. During folder comparison you're shown a list of all files (which ones are new, missing, different, same). If, from this view, I could see an indication of HOW different they are. I would like to quickly, at a glance, see "this file has been slightly altered" or "this file was completely rewritten." Again, the idea being quickly, without individually comparing each file (for large directories, this is quite time consuming).

    This could be simply "Number of Lines Changed" or "Percentage of Lines Changed" or a little bar graph in between each differing file. Just a quick, way to get a…

    12 votes
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