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dbForge Studio for SQL Server

dbForge Studio for SQL Server is an SQL server development tool incorporating query builder, data import/export and compare tools for managing and analyzing data.

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dbForge Studio for SQL Server



12 results found

  1. Currently dbForge Source Control display all objects in database. It would be great to be able filter out objects monitored by Source Control based on schema name or other condition.

    - Exclude all objects in tmp schema
    - Exclude all objects matching condition 'tmp%' or '%_bak'

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  2. At present, if I developed a SQL query, stored it and try to load it back into dbForge at a later date, dbForge 'remembers' the SQL connection it is associated with and tries to connect automatically. I want to be able to disable this behaviour via options - eg opening file does NOT try to be clever.


    In common usage, the feature is quite useful. Unfortunately, in some of the projects I am working with, I have to constantly switch between different environments (prod, pre-prod, demo, devops, etc) protected by external VPN. All environments are hosting the same…

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  3. In SSMS, when you search for a term, all locations of that term are highlighted on the scrollbar, making it easy to navigate to the locations of that term and to know where they appear in the file. In dbForge Studio, you can bookmark all, but that requires you to scroll through the entire document to find all instances and does not provide a complete picture of all of the places the term appears.

    This is a very important feature that is missing for me as I rely on that heavily in SSMS. I would like to see similar functionality…

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  4. "smart rename" to rename an object in database automatically and its reference and dependency.
    Just like competitive product "red-gate sql prompt" did.

    By the way , Devart DBforge Studio for SQL Server is very good and powerful IDE for me. I've bought a licsence.

    Thank you and best wishes.
    Happy New Year. ^_^

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  5. The Excel-export shouldn't necessarily put explicit formatting on the cells. That it does is annoying as it forces one to explicitly remove it again before the data can be formatted as a table with one of the Excel table format templates, for instance. Another example is that although number fields are actually marked as being number fields, they are still displayed as left aligned, because that's how they are explicitly (and wrongly) formatted.

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  6. I purchase the licenses for my dev team, so when I purchase two licenses, one for myself (SQL Tools) and a separate on for one of my devs (Schema Compare) I would like to indicate which is assigned to whom. Currently on the License information page, both appear assigned to me. While two folks is easy, if we grow our usage of your products further, I would like to know who I've assigned which licenses to, while keeping them all under the one account.

    All I'm looking for is a field that I as the customer can note this type…

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  7. Please move the Clear button for Query History from the main UI screen to be in the Options menu. In context, it seems like it is going to clear the search filters rather than wiping out the entire query history. It does warn you - but the history is so useful and important. Clearing it out should be a harder, more explicit step than just clicking twice. Not that I've done that... Multiple times...

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  8. Currently when I use Query designer the resulting query is expressed as:

    FROM dbo.Hygiene360Log

    Where what I want is the minimum length of text to correctly identify tables and objects, like this:

    FROM Hygiene360Log

    It's very annoying

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  9. how is possible there is no simple thing as pin tabs?

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  10. For source control (GIT) at the remote changes tab add a ignore/delete option.

    I started working with the database and deleted/renamed some stored procedures. When I detached and attached my source control (GIT) it wants to add the procedures which I have removed.
    This is fine when someone else changed it, but now I specifically want to delete this procedures. When working with this I can add them again, to delete them afterwards, or I can delete them in the folder and check them in with GIT, bypassing dbForge.

    The easy solution would be to add a ignore/delete/keep local option…

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  11. Right click on a database on a SQL Server 2022 Enterprise Edition Instance and select Edit Database. Switch to the Options tab. Select the Compatibility level dropdown, I am only seeing up to SQL Server 2019 (150) as options, I am missing the SQL Server 2022 (160) option and need to manually write the ALTER DATABASE statement to set it.

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  12. Would like to seek for Connection names on the left SQL Connections/servers names. We have 400-500 Serveres and it will make it a lot faster to find the connections.....

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