Multiline tabs
Please add multiline tabs. I often have many tabs and it's much easier to navigate between them visually (i know where is each of them) then with dropdown or arrows.
Also, please add more descriptive names in document tab names, something like SQL1.SERVERNAME.DATABASE, or options with parameters so that everyone can name tabs based on connection. Now everything is SQL1, SQL2, SQL3 regardles on which database I'm connected to (and I'm usually connected to more that one database). Coloring helps me to distinguish between development and production database, but it's not easy do distinguish between two or more production databases (and I don't want to use different color for each database because I have lot's of them).

AdminDevart (_, Devart) commented
Dear User,
You can assign specific colors to different databases via Tools -> Environment -> Category.
We also recommend upgrading to the latest release version of dbForge Studio for SQL Server for new tab options.
Devart Team -
Goran Genter commented
Nice :-)
It took a while but better late than never.
Looking forward for tab name and color customizations, hopefully in database connection settings like icons. But it would be great if this tab name prefix could be different than Connection Name, so that I can keep it shorter.
For example, I have Connection Name like "PROJECT_PROD." but I would like tab name prefix to be only "PROJECT" and color+icon would determine platform.
Thanks :-)
AdminDevart (_, Devart) commented
Thanks for your patience!
Just want to inform you that the multi-line tabs feature has been implemented. In the future, options for customizing names and colors will be added.
So we would like to suggest updating to the latest version and check there.
Devart Support Team