QoL improvement: Copy paste keys to follow predominate standards
When editing SQL text, would it be possible to change the default action of cut (CTRL-X), copy (CTRL-C) and paste (CTRL-V) to operate on the current line if no selection is visible? Every programming editor I've used do this as the default. An example use case: Cursor is in the middle of my current line and I want to delete the line. Current actions required are to press the HOME key (most times twice because the line is indented), hold down the SHIFT key and press the DOWN ARROW key, then press DELETE, or start typing with the new text. WIth the new proposed feature, all of those user keyboard actions could be done by one hand movement of pressing CTRL-X. Line is deleted and I can quickly move onto my new edits. Or if I need to move one line, I could press CTRL-X, arrow to the line where I want to paste the cut line, and press CTRL-V to insert the line before the current line. It wouldn't be necessary to have the cursor on the first character of the line because the paste operation would default to the entire line (if no selection has been made).
I wouldn't expect the editor in dbForge Studio to follow most of the conventions used in programming editors, but this one feature would save a great deal of time when doing rapid edits.