Add grouping under schemes
Sorry for my english. There is a proposal to add a group by the schemes so as not to squander the entire list of tables / views / procedures.

AdminDevart (_, Devart) commented
Thanks for your post!
> I would love that idea and always thought it strange that SSMS didn't do this.
Actually, we have already added it to our plans - to add such a feature.
Right now, we do not have any ETA, but we will definitely keep working on it.
You can follow our Revision history of each new release to see the updates:
Devart Support Team -
KW commented
Is this to allow a hierarchical viewing of entities by schema under Database Explorer? So we can focus on just the things inside that schema?
If so, I would love that idea and always thought it strange that SSMS didn't do this. Even for SQL Server where schemas are less than a physical construct and more of a security/ownership one, for me it's always been about organization of like entities.
If not what the OP is talking about, I'm sorry :)
Benoit Massy commented
Yes please! I don't like ssms for this reason. I pray to have it in dbForge!
Anonymous commented
That's great! Like DBeaver!