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SQL Complete

dbForge SQL Complete is an intellisense add-in for SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio with advanced autocompletion and formatting features of T-SQL code.

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SQL Complete



278 results found

  1. E.g. by implementing the command that opens object definition in the new document.

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  2. Have the ability to right-click or hover over an alias and be able to choose "Rename". By renaming the alias in one place it would automatically rename all other references to the alias in the query.

    For example: I create a table and it get aliased as r1. I then rename it to rnk, which would change the loin reference to rnk right away.

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  3. A really cool addition to Sql Complete would be the ability to re-open tabs after a reboot or even after just closing SSMS.

    If you look at good quality text editors such as UltraEdit or even browsers such as Chrome & Firefox, they have the ability to remember which tabs were open.

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  4. Save a history of your executed SQL statements and allow you to search that history.

    Also save the current session so when you open SSMS you can click a button to open all the queries you has open when you last closed SSMS.

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    1. Let's assume we have a table:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Employee
    IsMainWorkPlace BIT NOT NULL,
    TabelNumber VARCHAR(6) NULL,
    PersonID INT NOT NULL,
    IsLabourUnionMember BIT NOT NULL,
    FiringReasonID INT NULL

    1. Let's type the following construction and click TAB at the end:

    UPDATE dbo.Employee

    1. Suggest to expand columns just like it's implemented for INSERT:

    UPDATE dbo.Employee


    IsMainWorkPlace = DEFAULT /* IsMainWorkPlace - BIT NOT NULL /

    , TabelNumber = '' /
    TabelNumber - VARCHAR(6) /

    , PersonID = 0 /
    PersonID - INT…

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  5. I have a table (ObjectReference) and Sql Complete maps it to or1. I understand why it adds the 1 to avoid using the "or" keyword, but it would be nice to set up Sql Complete to use a more friendly keyword.

    One solution for this would be to allow me to map table names to alliases. Then, any time ObjectRerence is used, it would get oRef (or whatever) from the map.

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  6. Introduce Regions like #region in C# for collapsable sections. This regions should have a "name" or comment and should be displayed in document outline for navigation. This has lot of benefits in large sql code files for better orientation and navigation.

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  7. In the case where you have a nested (parenthesized) condition, increase the indention after the new line.

    How it currently operates:

    SELECT *
    FROM MyTable
    OR b=2
    OR d=5)
    AND c=3

    This doesn't really convey the fact that this is a subexpression, and it requires tracing the parenthesis with more complex queries. Something like this would be better:

    SELECT *
    FROM MyTable
    OR d=5
    OR b=2)
    AND c=3

    So for each parenthesis level with a different logical operator than the previous level (to help prevent over-indenting when parenthesis are applied too liberally), increase the indention level…

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  8. Everytime I upgrade, the installer forces me to exit Visual Studio. However, I only install SQL Complete for Management Studio. Please give me an option to ignore that error message

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  9. When autocompleting a column or table name, if the name is a SQL keyword, automatically place the brackets around the name. For example, the query "SELECT Version FROM Table" is currently auto-corrected to "SELECT VERSION FROM TABLE", which causes an error.

    Instead, it would be nice if SQL Complete auto-corrected to "SELECT [Version] FROM [Table]".

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  10. Support SSMS 2016 CTP

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  11. When there's a valid sql object under the cursor in the text editor, two nice features (via context menu):

    1. Go to definition (select in object explorer)
    2. Script object (clipboard, new window, etc...)

    Also object names should be shown as a link if the Ctrl key in pressed. All object names in script shows as hyperlink. Ctrl+click or Ctrl+Enter on it opens the object definition in new tab.

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  12. When formatting a statement:

    SELECT sometable.fieldname AS something FROM sometable

    SQL Complete KNOWS the proper case of the table and field names (as it allows you to autocomplete them as you're typing it in). So, why doesn't it alter the case of them once they're already in the statement?

    If the table was actually SomeTable in the database, and the field was called FieldName, the "format" function should fix the statement like so:

    SELECT SomeTable.Fieldname AS something FROM SomeTable

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  13. I tried changing the Identifier to Uppercase to try to get the Table aliases to be uppercase but that made the tablename uppercase as well.

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  14. Show the table columns in the Intellisense when you create temp tables or declare table variables.

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  15. It would be a nice feature if you can add to database, schema and table brackets []. If you use certain characters like $ you have to enclose it with [].

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    It’s implemented in the latest build of SQL Complete. Have a look at the “Enclose identifiers within square brackets” option.

  16. 27 votes

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  17. the format selection does expand the actual selection. Sometimes this is nice as it expands to include other bits that should have been selected but haven't other times it selects more than I want formatted. I think it should really only format what I actually select. Perhaps another option for format selection and related could be added too?

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  18. Right alignment of keywords is an important formatting option.

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  19. It would be very nice to have options for separate formatting for subquery, for example:

    FROM Orders
    WHERE ClientID = (SELECT ClientID FROM Clients WHERE ClientCode = 'ABC')

    Here, I need the main SELECT to be stacked and formatted appropriately, and subquery SELECT - to be wrapped and in one line).

    In large and complex SQL script this feature is invaluable.

    Currently it is not possible - one format is applied for everything.


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