Format table and field names to be consistent with the database letter case
When formatting a statement:
SELECT sometable.fieldname AS something FROM sometable
SQL Complete KNOWS the proper case of the table and field names (as it allows you to autocomplete them as you're typing it in). So, why doesn't it alter the case of them once they're already in the statement?
If the table was actually SomeTable in the database, and the field was called FieldName, the "format" function should fix the statement like so:
SELECT SomeTable.Fieldname AS something FROM SomeTable
Dazz Knowles commented
This appears to have been removed in 4.0.53?
Jason Kochel commented
Very happy to hear this has been started! Can Devart give any rough timetable for when the next release will be available? Are there beta testing opportunities?
Joe Salvatore commented
This is really maddening!!! I have used many SQL formatting tools and none format the names of objects (schemas, database names, table names, procedure names, column names, etc...) the way SQLCompare does. The specific area for improvement would be to separate Keyword case from User Object case as it appears that it is the Keyword case that drives this behavior.
Sigourney_Weaver commented
I want to add - not just tables names but also fields names.
Sigourney_Weaver commented
Agree absolutely - very nice to have feature!!