Right Align of keywords
Right alignment of keywords is an important formatting option.

There is the ‘Right aligned’ profile added in the formatting profiles.
Sheldon commented
Michael is right, this uservoice is majorly focused with formatting, so we definitely should be able to use <code> blocks or default to monospace for our posts, otherwise you can't see what we are intending. Attaching a png or jpeg for screenshots would be great as well.
Tony Phan commented
I believe this is what Chris is referring to, which I'm very used to myself. However, the font is not allowing me to easily show that here and I don't see a way to attach a file here so hopefully this description makes sense. By keyword, what I'd like to see right aligned in the sample select statement below is the word SELECT, FROM, WHERE, AND, the word ORDER in ORDER BY, etc., all aligned to the right leaving a perfect space from top to bottom for all key words.
, B
, C
FROM [Table ABC]
AND B = 'B'
Michael DiSibio commented
P.S. Since a lot of these suggestions have to do with formatting, it would be great to have the comments default to monospace font, or to add a 'code block' option for the comments.
Michael DiSibio commented
I think what is meant is the following, which will not show up well with a non-monospaced web font:
WHERE colA = 1where SELECT, FROM and WHERE are right-aligned, and colA, tblB, and the WHERE clause are left-aligned. This is one of the formatting styles recommended by Joe Celko