59 results found
Function "greatest" causes error in project build
When building a project, any SQL query that contains the "greatest" function is flagged with the error:
The name 'greatest' does not exist in the current context
(Using dbForge Studio for MySQL version 5.0.97.)
7 votesThis issue is fixed in the new version 6.0 of dbForge Studio for MySQL: http://www.devart.com/dbforge/mysql/studio/download.html
I have two mysql server. MariaDB 10.2 and Mysql 5.5.23
When i make structure comparation i have such differences with default null fields:
In MariaDB 10.2:
guiname VARCHAR(200) DEFAULT 'NULL',
description VARCHAR(2000) DEFAULT 'NULL',
In Mysql:
description VARCHAR(2000) DEFAULT NULL,And after sync these differences are remained
7 votes -
Fix: Import/Export Environment
Failure of any single change doesn't effect other settings (Project Path!)
4 votesThis issue is fixed in the new version 6.0 of dbForge Studio for MySQL: http://www.devart.com/dbforge/mysql/studio/
child windows docking
if 2 or more windows is docking in 1 place, then it must restored in THIS place without dependence from it opening/closing order.
4 votesThis functionality was redesigned in the new version 6.0 of dbForge Studio for MySQL: http://www.devart.com/dbforge/mysql/studio/
Support version 5.7.15
Dbforge studio can't connect to mysql 5.7.15.
4 votesWe would like to let you know that we have released dbForge Studio for MySQL, v7.1.20 where MySQL 5.7.15 is supported https://www.devart.com/dbforge/mysql/studio/download.html
Thank you for your help in improving dbForge Studio for MySQL.
Application freeze on big database
There is Magento database (~250 tables). After updation to 5.0.76 when I tryed open any table in thid db for editing application freeze for 0.5 minutes. Before (5.0.67) it will ok.
4 votesThis issue is supposed to be fixed in the new version 6.0 of dbForge Studio for MySQL: http://www.devart.com/dbforge/mysql/studio/
Make "AS" keyword auto-select in code completion dropdown.
Most keywords seem to auto-select in the code completion dropdown as you type, with the only exception I've noticed so far being "AS" for column and table aliases (even though its the only choice in the list most of the time). Other short keywords such as "ON" and "BY" will auto-select, making it easy to type in lower case, get the suggestion dropdown, have it automatically selected for you, hit Enter to get the upper case equivalent and keep on going. With "AS" it breaks that pattern requiring you to hit down to select it in the list first.
3 votesIt’s not highlighted because this could be a part of a user-defined alias starting with AS…
Though, you can manage this with the ‘Select items in the list even if a user input is expected’ option available in the ‘Text Editor → Code Completion → List Members’ branch of the ‘Options’ window that can be invoked by selecting ‘Tools → Options…’ from the main menu.
Cannot edit views if column no longer exists
If you have a view that uses/selects columns that no longer exist, you cannot open the view to edit/fix the missing columns:
View '<TABLE>.<VIEW>' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
3 votesPlease check that you are using the latest build 6.3.358 https://www.devart.com/dbforge/mysql/studio/download.html
Issue with import of DATE/DATETIME fields from Excel 2007
In latest version of dbForge while importing Excel 2007 file columns formatted as a date cannot be properly recognized as dates (they are recognized by dbForge as serial numbers) and due to this cannot be properly imported to the corresponding table fields. In older versions such bug hasn't had a place.
Import date fields from Excel 2003 works fine in 6.3.330 version.BR
3 votes -
Cannot see correctly the view's queries and update them on version: 6.1.142.
Views does not seem to work well in the new release..
3 votesThis issue will be fixed in the next product build.
Don't show GROUP_CONCAT in queries.
3 votes -
When searching objects (cntrl+D,F), searching in tables data and you get a lot of results, that do not fit in result windows, a scroll bar i
When searching objects (cntrl+D,F), searching in tables data and you get a lot of results, that do not fit in result windows, a scroll bar did not show up. It needs to click on the place where it should be, only then it appears.
3 votes -
Process left in memory after program closes.
Each new run left another instance. Eat memory, lock updates. All 7.x versions, last too.
3 votes -
Using "create script as + create" generates an invalid script in dbForge Studio for MySQL
Using "create script as + create" generates an invalid script in dbForge Studio for MySQL
This happens when the default value on a field is currenttimestamp(6) ON UPDATE currenttimestamp(6)
Example of what gets generated.
CREATE TABLE test.junkola (
)The QUOTES around 'current_timestamp(6)' do not compile in your tool.
3 votes -
Fix data compare by text key
Beginning with dbForge Studio of MySQL 7.3 (possibly earlier), and continuing into the recently released 7.4.201, I am seeing some incorrect results when using the data comparison feature.
Specifically, it seems to happen when I compare data based on a textual key column rather than the integer-based primary key. Here is an simple example that will produce incorrect results with 7.4.201:
-- ###########################################
-- Server 1CREATE TABLE test (
UNIQUE INDEX uniquekey (key
CHARACTER…3 votes -
TIMESTAMP field editing with a calendar
In the new version for some reason you can not
3 votesThis issue is fixed in the new build 6.0.113 of dbForge Studio Beta for MySQL: http://www.devart.com/dbforge/mysql/studio/download.html
Not open some of the procedures for editing.
Not open some of the procedures, don't know what it is, but with a short name opening all the time, and long not open > ~ 40 characters (can cause). The error message "Cannot parse the source code"
3 votesWe would like to let you know that we have released a new build 6.3.339 of dbForge Studio for MySQL where the issue you reported is fixed http://www.devart.com/dbforge/mysql/studio/download.html
Thank you for your help in improving dbForge Studio for MySQL.
Separate DEFINER and SQL SECURITY in exclude backup options
It only makes sense to combine these two options when SQL SECURITY is set to DEFINER. In the other case (INVOKER) it will cause a problem if the DEFINER is specified when restoring the database to a different environment - user will not exist or will not have the right privileges. "Exclude DEFINER" and "Exclude SQL SECURITY" should be two separate options when backing up a database.
3 votes -
Support for fractional datetime
since Mysql 5.6.4 (2011), there is a support for fractional datetime and timestamp.
cf. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/fractional-seconds.html
select now(6) should return 2015-07-16 23:48:52.720993 (like with phpmyadmin) and not 16/07/2015 23:46:52
or better , it should return the localized version 16/07/2015 23:46:52.720993
3 votesThis can be setup as follows:
1. Select ‘Tools → Options’ from the main menu. The ‘Options’ window opens.
2. Navigate to the ‘Data Editor → Formatting’ branch.
3. Select ‘DateTime’ from the ‘Data type’ dropdown menu.
4. In the ‘Predefined Formats’ list, select ‘General date/time (longtime with microseconds)’.
5. Click ‘OK’. -
When editing the build order, the changes should actually be saved to the xxx.mydev file.
when adding a new table to a project, it is added to the bottom of the build order list. If I edit the list thru the project properties > build order tab, the order changes are not persisted. I have had to edit the xxx.mydev file manually (outside of visual studio) to get the build to create the .sql file with the table listed in the right order based on foreign key dependencies.
2 votesBuild Order is detected automatically.
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