Make "AS" keyword auto-select in code completion dropdown.
Most keywords seem to auto-select in the code completion dropdown as you type, with the only exception I've noticed so far being "AS" for column and table aliases (even though its the only choice in the list most of the time). Other short keywords such as "ON" and "BY" will auto-select, making it easy to type in lower case, get the suggestion dropdown, have it automatically selected for you, hit Enter to get the upper case equivalent and keep on going. With "AS" it breaks that pattern requiring you to hit down to select it in the list first.
It’s not highlighted because this could be a part of a user-defined alias starting with AS…
Though, you can manage this with the ‘Select items in the list even if a user input is expected’ option available in the ‘Text Editor → Code Completion → List Members’ branch of the ‘Options’ window that can be invoked by selecting ‘Tools → Options…’ from the main menu.
Kevin commented
Thank you! That did the trick.