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dbForge Studio for MySQL

dbForge Studio for MySQL is a universal set of MySQL GUI tools for database management, administration and development. It enables to create and execute queries, develop and debug MySQL routines, and automate MySQL database object management in the convenient environment.

dbForge Studio for MySQL



74 results found

  1. When you remove a button from a toolbar, that it stay removed after you close dbForge and open it again.
    I tryed to remove the execute entire script (F5) and only let the Execute current statement(F8) but I need to do it each time I open dbForge.

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  2. When making multiple modifications to a table, the generated SQL script contains multiple ALTER statements. For example, If I were to add 3 new columns to a table, the resulting script would be something like...

    ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN newcolumn1 INT;
    ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN newcolumn2 INT;
    ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN newcolumn3 INT;

    ... when these could actually be combined into a single ALTER statement like...

    ALTER TABLE table
    ADD COLUMN newcolumn1 INT,
    ADD COLUMN newcolumn2 INT,
    ADD COLUMN newcolumn3 INT;

    The 3 separate ALTER statements essentially take 3 times longer to run than the single combined…

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  3. When choosing to edit a record from a select, an alert always appears that shows us the following:

    "Unique key is missing"

    This in previous versions only appeared when you did not indicate the primary key. Now it always appears even if it is a select * from anytable;

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  4. When I editing storage procedure and I add START TRANSACTION READ ONLY;
    it is marked as error ';' expected

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  5. 7 votes

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    This issue will be fixed in the next version 7.4. We will notify you once it’s available for downloading.

  6. When submitting routines to SVN through 'Source Control', the SQL Security option is lost

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  7. If you rename a table and change it from initial caps to lowercase, it doesn't get renamed. For example, you can't rename it from "Calls" to "calls".

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  8. When db forge fusion for MySQL is installed it makes it very difficult to work with Microsoft database projects.
    We need the ability to turn off DB forge fusion within visual studio.
    Or give the ability to switch back and forth.

    Right now it seems the only way to switch between them is to uninstall and reinstall. (complete not going to work)

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    Could you please describe this in more detail? Please also let us know what’s the version and edition of your Visual Studio, dbForge Fusion and Windows operating system. Additionally, please let us know if your Windows x32 or x64.

  9. There are numerous cases where renaming an object, like a table, or field does not update the source of an open stored procedure.

    Also, the auto-complete options in the editor are not updated when a new table or field is added, even if its added through the same connection and DBForge instance. Often I am presented with auto-complete suggestions that are completely invalid.

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    Please note that you can use the ‘Automatically refresh suggestions cache every xxx minutes’ option available in the ‘General’ branch of the ‘Options’ window that can be opened by selecting ‘Tools → Options…’ from the main menu.

  10. Be able to disable GroupDatabasePrivileges query from executing in Schema Compare and actually NOT RUN the query as its slow one som systems. In schema compare I have ignore privileges ticked, but the query still runs

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  11. This is a big problem for me.
    I renamed one table using the refactoring function.
    But all views and procedures which used this table were not automatically changed as I expected.
    Now I can't even open the views or procedures to manually edit them. All I get is: "unable to parse source text" which derives (so I think) from the now no more existing tables.
    I was able to edit the views with the help of phpMyAdmin. But I can't edit the procedure.
    This is a big issue for me.

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    Could you please describe the steps to reproduce the issue in details?

    Please also provide us the CREATE definitions of the objects.

    Additionally, please specify the version of dbForge.

  12. With new DBForge update (2020), keyboard shortcut to show/hide additional document views is gone. Please add this feature back as it was extremely convenient to show/hide data results when writing long procedures.

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  13. See:

    Sometime in version 9, 'datetime' fields in tables and queries format to the American standard, even though the formatting options show an example of International formatting, this is not applied

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  14. Currently, when you are working with your own templates or ones you have modified, it is very easy to have a few syntax errors during your edits. It is my experience that the line error information is either not correct or entirely not working most of the time. Clicking on an error is useless since it does not actually take me to the error (sporadic and inaccurate). After minor template changes I made, I have often spent hours trying to figure out the error messages I get when I run, only to find some stupid one character mistake in the…

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    Could you please clarify what functionality you are referring to and provide us a concrete example of this? Screenshots would be also of help.

    You can send a reply straight to our support system at supportATdevartDOTcom and alexaATdevartDOTcom.

  15. Using the JSON view in dark themes is annoying as there is no way to configure foreground colors for numeric data types so they are displayed as black on black

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  16. 3 votes

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  17. При простое в работе (примерно через час) отключается таблица.
    и постом при возобновление использования минимум ВСЕГДА ДВА раза пишет , одну и туже ошибку( Lost connection to MySQL server during query (......:3306) Table:....... ) если нажать обновить .

    а иногда вообще даже кнопка обновить исчезает и пишет что 0 записей хотя они есть. приходится переподключаться, исправьте пожалуйста, этот баг

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    Вы можете попробовать увеличить значение в поле ‘Тайм-аут соединения’ на вкладке ‘Дополнительные’ окна ‘Свойства соединения базы данных’ (щёлкните правой кнопкой мыши на соединении в Проводнике и выберите ‘Изменить соединение…’ в контекстном меню). Значение, равное нулю, означает бесконечность.

    1. Options > Data Editor > General > Open Data Editor in read only mode
    2. Execute a SELECT statement. Data Editor shows up in Read Only Mode. Good.
    3. Flip Data Editor to Edit current table. Do one edit. Apply.
    4. (Optional: Flip Data Editor back to Read Only Mode)
    5. Execute a SELECT statement on ANY table. Data Editor shows up in Edit Mode on the current table. Disregarding both its last set state or System Setting
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    We will fix this issue in one of the next product builds and will notify you once it’s available for downloading.

  18. Version: 8.0.80 (Professional)
    Tried with MySQL 5.6 and 5.7

    Explain Partitions returns an error, but it works fine on the MySQL CLI.

    In dbForge I ran:
    EXPLAIN partitions SELECT * FROM log.log;

    And the error I got was:
    Table 'log.partitions' doesn't exist

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    This issue is going to be fixed in the next product build. Currently, as a workaround, you can run statement using F5 button.

  19. When view contains some unicode notation for fields aka N' it shows difference over and over even after fixing.

    When field contined some collation it shows difference over and over.
    [ModelNumber] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQLLatin1GeneralCP1CI_AS NOT NULL

    Pls fix it asap. I have dozen of objects showing that they have difference however they don't

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