DB Forge Fusion conflicts with normal database projects
When db forge fusion for MySQL is installed it makes it very difficult to work with Microsoft database projects.
We need the ability to turn off DB forge fusion within visual studio.
Or give the ability to switch back and forth.
Right now it seems the only way to switch between them is to uninstall and reinstall. (complete not going to work)

Could you please describe this in more detail? Please also let us know what’s the version and edition of your Visual Studio, dbForge Fusion and Windows operating system. Additionally, please let us know if your Windows x32 or x64.
Marco commented
Same problem with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
AdminDevart (_, Devart) commented
> Any *.sql file I open shows errors because it does not comply with MySQL
After you install dbForge Fusion, it becomes the default editor. In this case, if you are opening another files, you would need to open them with 'Open With...'.
> When I'm using a Visual Studio standard database project for SQL Server it should not conflict with the MySQL database project.
Could you please describe such a conflict? Screenshots will be also of help.
You can send a reply straight to our support system at supportATdevartDOTcom, so we will keep further correspondence with you on this issue via e-mail.
David Angel commented
Windows 7 x64
Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio Database Project for SQL Server (not devart)Everytime I open a *.sql file it asks to connect with MySQL
Any *.sql file I open shows errors because it does not comply with MySQLWhen I'm using a Visual Studio standard database project for SQL Server it should not conflict with the MySQL database project.
David Angel