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dbForge Studio for SQL Server

dbForge Studio for SQL Server is an SQL server development tool incorporating query builder, data import/export and compare tools for managing and analyzing data.

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dbForge Studio for SQL Server



384 results found

  1. When selecting SQL from a query or stored procedure, then Copying (Ctrl+C) and pasting into an email (rich text, like Outlook), it would be good to retain the rich text formatting when pasting text.

    SSMS does this very nicely (with Outlook, anyway).

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  2. It seems to me that it would be convenient to quick filter or highlight objects in object explorer simply by typing (condition "contains" by default not only starting) or pressing the key combination. Thanx.

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  3. An option to quickly get the update script for a single table in the opposite direction. (From Target back to source). I need to get all changes done by other developers and some developers make changes to one of two different databases, and I need to merge changes to/from the two main databases.

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  4. The Pivot Table is great, however it would be nice if it provided the SQL code, such that it can be used elsewhere. This would make for a great pivot builder.

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  5. Ability to create a Folder View that contains selected objects for ease of management. For example, if I'm working on an inventory process, I'd like to have all associated procs, tables, view, synonyms etc all be grouped under one folder for ease of access.. You would essentially create a filter for the "Folder View" or you can right click on each object and add it to that view. This new folder will show up in the object navigator.

    This is a feature that was available on a product called PL/SQL Developer which I found to be extremely handy when I…

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  6. It is fairly common in other tools/database (like Access for instance) for exported money or currency type fields to represent negative numbers by putting brackets around the value. Currently when such values are imported they give a truncation warning and put the value in as positive.

    (10.00) should go in as -10.00 instead of giving a warning and going in as 10.00.

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  7. Show column totals (sum) or average at the bottom of the column. This would be great with a right click of the column header then click then click Group Footer then click Sum or Average

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  8. LinqPad has one useful feature that could be used here in dbForge Studio too. It has a panel which shows folder structure of one specific scripts folder (configurable location). In this folder users can organize scripts into subfolders (projects). And by double-clicking on script in this panel you open the script. This folder can also be synced (via dropbox or other cloud drives) so you have same structure and scripts on multiple machines. This is a similar feature request as project workspaces. Could be easy to develop and would really help us who work on lots of projects and databases…

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  9. When you filter the objects in the Explorer->Tables view
    It only logical that the auto completion in the Sql script would be filtered too.

    Maybe an option inside Options -> Code Completion -> "Use filtering on objects" would allow the user to select the desired flavor.

    If you have that option selected, when you do a filter in object explorer, when you are writing a sql sentence autocompleting tables, it only shows tables with that particular filter.

    Thank you.

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  10. When working with multiple scripts, being able to further organize them in the editor panel would be helpful, especially as a DBA. Or, as an alternative to tab groups, perhaps a project panel where scripts can be organized into virtual folders for quick access could be added.

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  11. Add the ability to define the query executed on a Right-Click / Retrieve Data.

    I use this feature frequently and always go in and edit the query to order by id desc. It would be nice to be able to override the standard select *.

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  12. I would like to see a "File -> Rename" command (like in Notepad++).

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  13. Add filter for data search.
    Example: search for '1234' value in tables containing 'abcd' substring in table name and/or in fields having 'id' name only.

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  14. Everytime I start dbForge Studio Express I get an advertisement about Cyber Monday discount. Don't get me wrong: I love the discount, but I don't need to see the ad every time I started dbForge Studio. More importantly: the advertisement interferes with other programs, because it shows after a while when I switched to another program. It'd like to see the ad only in dbForge Express and an option added called 'Do not show again'.

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  15. I would like to export data from a table to SQL and have the option of the SQL doing a "DROP TABLE" "CREATE TABLE" to create the table and insert the data. Currently the options only allow for data insert, update, etc. Please add the ability to include the structure of the table and fields.

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  16. When I try to restore a database (from SSMS on the server), sometimes dbForge has the DB exclusively locked and the restore fails. I end up then needing to close all my tabs in dbForge, and then shutting down dbForge.

    Why not have an option to release dbForge's lock on the DB?

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  17. dbForge shows dependencies in object tree. That is great. But also it may be helpful to have the same information on opened object tab (at least for tables). Otherwise we always must search for object of interest in objects tree.

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  18. I would like to compare system tables/system views with SQL Data Compare.

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  19. I would love to see a feature to have the comparison report to see counts for columns that had a null value in the source and didn't have null values in the target and vice-versa.

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  20. Add a "By name" button next to DDL. This would be similar to DDL, but would exclude definitions (e.g., it would include SP name but not SP definition). This would allow use of dbForge to quickly look for for specific SPs or tables as a more convenient/faster alternative to SSMS object explorer. It is possible to set the object types to only include procedures, but doing so still includes contents, which makes for a search that is both slower and noisier.

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