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Review Assistant

Review Assistant is a code review plugin for Visual Studio. Peer code review tool helps you to create review requests and respond to them without leaving Visual Studio, improve code quality and ship software with less defects, automate the process with minimum overhead.

Review Assistant



89 results found

  1. Add an lightweight Review Board displayed as a web page at server.
    As a development manager I need to track many projects and I don't want to run Visual Studio for every of them just to watch is there any update.
    Or any other way of notification/summary information distributed by other means than Visual Studio.

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  2. Provide the following integration points with JIRA:
    - Associate code reviews with JIRA issues (e.g. review for a feature)
    - Turn comments into issues (defects)

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  3. If someone submits a review that includes several revisions spanning a period of time, there's no way to determine what changes were made by the author. The only options (Compare Base and Last Revisions, etc) deal with the Base and Last Revisions. Effectively, this includes any changes made by anyone in-between, not just the author.

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  4. Pre-commit review is must to have for all type of version controls with diff/patch files or directly by uploading different version of files otherwise its going to be behind the other review tools in making of choice.

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  5. I'd love the ability to categorise a comment. Example categories might be coding standard, implementation, functionality. You could then report on these. E.g. Developer A received 20 comments last week, 90% of them were about coding standards. It will help to identify patterns in developers weak and strong points.

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  6. There are over 60 requests for some API level access to the product. There are a ton of standard and custom issue tracking systems out there that could tie into your product. In our case we would love to tie TFS check in events to create and update reviews automatically. This seems like a major missing feature compared to a lot of other products in the space. Yours would work best if the API was exposed. People have been asking for over 2 years.

    The command line is clunky and insuffiecient, or at least not documented well enough to be…

    34 votes
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  7. It would be good if the code review could log back to the original work item that a code review has taken place. When doing a review, it shows me the Work Items attached to the changeset (this is nice). However, when the review is done (accepted or rejected), there is no log in the Work Item that the review took place.

    This has currently got to be done manually, would be great to get this full link.

    Is there any way to link it or log something in the history of the work item(s)?

    32 votes
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  8. Provide more possibilities to search, filter and order the comments.
    e.g. for the reviewer's name, file name, ...

    21 votes
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  9. Currently, when a file is renamed and/or moved, 2 entries will appear in the changed files list. The old file will appear as deleted and the new file will appear as added. While by itself is only a nuisance, if any changes occur in the added file there is no way to compare them with the deleted file. Since rename/moving a file may also introduce changes in the file itself (like for example a changed namespace and class name) it becomes problematic to code review these cases.
    As far as Git is concerned (with the proper git command) there exists…

    19 votes
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  10. By default, Review Assistant launches the 'Compare Base and Last Revisions' command when you perform a comparison. Add the option to choose a default comparison action. E.g. during comparison, authors usually use 'Compare Base Revision with Working Copy' to be able to add changes to the working copy file.

    19 votes
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  11. As a server admin I should be able to control whether my clients get upgrade notices, esp. for breaking changes where both client and server need to be upgraded together. At my company dozens of people have asked why they even get prompted for the 3.x version when the server is still on 2.x. Many companies have change control policies or software packaging regimes which prevent quick software upgrades. The ability to specify at the server that you want to suppress upgrade notices would make the job of administrator easier.

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  12. I really need the ability to accept or reject files as a whole.

    Consider reviews with lots of files, or reviews with complex or very interrelated code spread among multiple files. The reviewer is likely to jump back and forth between multiple files to ensure the solution that is being reviews is solid. Once a reviewer has determined that the file is acceptable, they need to be able to mark it as such so that as they continue on they can keep track of that. Otherwise, if they get interrupted during the review (again consider large reviews that likely will…

    13 votes
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  13. As Slack is getting more and more popular, integration with ReviewAssistant would be really useful.

    All email notifications could be sent to Slack too.

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  14. Currently the Code Coverage report shows only TFS Changeset revisions and their status. It would be helpful if we can see even Shelveset revisions and their status. Teams who rely on pre-commit reviews use only Shelvesets and hence it's not of any use if they can see only Changesets in the Code Coverage report.

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  15. As a developer, I want to be able to filter for reviews with missing reviewers.

    In our team we normally require two reviewers per review, sometimes only one. If a developer of our team looks for a review to join, he needs to check all tooltips of the open reviews if the required number of reviewers has already joined. If one reviewer has already joined, the review is not shown in "My Reviews", so this filter does not fulfill our needs. To achieve short review cycles in the team, developers check the reviews regularly.

    A possible solution would be to…

    10 votes
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  16. To have Due Date associated with code review and let code reviewers know that due date is coming up via email will be great functionality to have.

    Basically - coder should be able to add a date for code review deadline and reviewer should get ample notification if code review is not completed within that due date.

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  17. It’s becoming really painful to run most of my reports because of the lack of ability to save custom values like filters, project/report type combos and date ranges so I can run them again later. It would be nice if I could save these as a "custom" report entry on the list so I could reuse my filters since the GUI for filters is very combersome for more than one or two custom values. If there could be user-specific or global saved report definitions that would be great, because I would like to allow multiple project owners to be able…

    8 votes
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  18. Add integration with avatar service - gravatar. It will make easy user identification for Code Review participants. This is implemented in Crucible product for example.

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  19. Definitly needs groups when you don't know or want to assign the review to a specific person.

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  20. As a reviewer of Git code who doesn’t have the author’s repo locally, I want a better experience reviewing Git code seamlessly without pulling changes to the Git repo manually, so that I can review code quickly and without hassle.

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