JIRA Integration
Provide the following integration points with JIRA:
- Associate code reviews with JIRA issues (e.g. review for a feature)
- Turn comments into issues (defects)

Anonymous commented
Any updates on this? We also require this feature. We would even be willing to implement it ourselves if there were some extension points (e.g. webhooks).
Patrick Wolf commented
At the very minimum a mapping of a ticket number to a web url should exist:
ie #9999 to https://mycompany.atlassian.net/browse/GLCT-9999
ie #xxxx to https://URLxxxxThis way developers can easily reference tickets in their preferred system
A.Repko commented
+ JIRA plugin: to see reviews by task
I.e. you can see Crucible reviews: http://snu-smumrick.at.ua/jira_codereview.png -
Kevin commented
the lack of this feature is preventing our company from switching to it