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dbForge Studio for Oracle

dbForge Studio for Oracle is a powerful Oracle database development environment that provides you versatile data editing tools for managing in-database and external data. It allows you to synchronize data between different Oracle servers and automate schema change management process during development.

dbForge Studio for Oracle



15 results found

  1. When I select a table with some column of table and I edit it in grid, Dbforge using another columns to update data, It's seriously bug if these columns not relate what I want update.

    SqlNavigator and more other tool using rowid to update data in grid, can you using that idea to fix this bug.

    Thank you !

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  2. The tool is adding quotes where they are not needed (for instance if x is a %rowtype and you type x.a it will become x."a" which is not needed).

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  3. When comparing a small number of tables across different databases in a cloud deployment for large schemas that are not of our design, Data Comparison performs poorly in the transition from Options to Mapping. In some cases, it exceeds the allowed timeout for schemas with thousands of objects in both the source and target.

    Observationally, even if the Optional "include" filter mask is used, Data Comparison is describing all data objects in both schemas. The only thing actually filtered is the result set displayed in the Mapping.

    It would therefore seem simple to limit the objects enumerated and described in…

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  4. Other database clients have the capability to deal with an expired password by changing the expired password of the user account, updating the internal stored password, and logging in with the new password through a simple UI.

    Oracle DB Forge Studio does not offer any option to deal with an expired password, an alternative database client seems to be the only answer.

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  5. Excel export repeats the column headers on row 11 every time

    Every time I export a result set to Excel 97 the first row that contains the column headers is repeated on row 11. This is really damn annoying.

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  6. The Excel 2007 export option does not properly handle Null datetime values even if I specify the export format to be string.

    I cannot use the Excel 2007 export option at all because of this issue. If I have a column of type datetime and that column contains NULL values the export will fail with a conversion error.

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  7. Fusion doesn't play well with SSDT in the same solution. Fusion grabs all .sql file associations. Double click on a .sql file in Sql Server Database Project and Fusion prompts you for a connection to Oracle. The only way to get the file loaded into SSDT Designer is to right click the file. This could all be solved if DevArt tokenized the file extension and allowed the user to choose: .plsql.

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    When installing dbForge Fusion, it becomes the default editor for opening *.sql files and you are asked to select a connection in the dbForge Fusion’s dialog. Though, you can change the default editor in the ‘Open With’ dialog of Visual Studio. For this, please perform the following:

    1. Select ‘File → Open File…’ from the main menu of Visual Studio. The ‘Open File’ dialog opens.
    2. Select a *.sql file and click the down-arrow against the ‘Open’ button.
    3. Select ‘Open With…’.
    4. Select an editor and click ‘Set as Default’.
    5. Click ‘OK’.

  8. Extracting DDL for a table with Automatic partitioning fails to add "AUTOMATIC" keyword. E.Q.


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    Returns ORA-01001: invalid cursor
    On second try to open cell, the app crashes.
    Other tools let you explorer contents of cursor.

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  10. Forget about caching metadata. This is the biggest foolishness I ever saw.

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  11. If you start the search in one window and then attempt to search the same word in another document, the search will be running in the initial window instead of the active one. With this, the focus will switch to the initial window.

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  12. Data in global temporary tables not showing in data explorer of table, but in query like "select * from some_gtt" all data is visible. Version of DB Forge Studio is 4.0.237

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  13. Tooltip hinders when clicking on the tabs panel.

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. I have column definied by:


    I want to check this column with "DEFAULT ON NULL".

    After checking this option in dbForge Studio 2021 4.3.34 column definition changes to:


    what is incorrect.

    My database: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version

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