Create option in dbForge for Oracle object file extensions, then make add Fusion to VS File Extension dialog.
Fusion doesn't play well with SSDT in the same solution. Fusion grabs all .sql file associations. Double click on a .sql file in Sql Server Database Project and Fusion prompts you for a connection to Oracle. The only way to get the file loaded into SSDT Designer is to right click the file. This could all be solved if DevArt tokenized the file extension and allowed the user to choose: .plsql.

When installing dbForge Fusion, it becomes the default editor for opening *.sql files and you are asked to select a connection in the dbForge Fusion’s dialog. Though, you can change the default editor in the ‘Open With’ dialog of Visual Studio. For this, please perform the following:
1. Select ‘File → Open File…’ from the main menu of Visual Studio. The ‘Open File’ dialog opens.
2. Select a *.sql file and click the down-arrow against the ‘Open’ button.
3. Select ‘Open With…’.
4. Select an editor and click ‘Set as Default’.
5. Click ‘OK’.