Implement "Undo Unchanged Files" feature for TFS for any folder in pending changes.
Implement "Undo Unchanged Files" feature for any folder in pending changes.
For TFS this will be brilliant feature because there is no good tool/extension to do so.
Especially it is useful when baseless merge is performed.
Thanks in advance.

Brad commented
I don't think I understand - isn't this a TFS feature that's needed? Why is it here in Code Compare forum? And see Randall Hackel's comment - it already exists.
AdminDevart (_, Devart) commented
You want to revert files that have different encoding and no content. Is it correct?
Randall Hackel commented
This is indeed a brilliant feature, and already freely available in Microsoft's TFS Power Tools: from the tfpt.exe documentation: "UU (Undo Unchanged) Command
You can use the UU command to undo unchanged files, including adds, edits, and deletes."I've used it. It works fine.