Make the base pane read-only
When comparing a file against its base in version control, it makes sense for the base pane to be read-only. This way it makes it obvious which file is editable. Same with merging - the mine and theirs should be read-only and only the result file should be editable.

George Birbilis commented
I was just merging a WPF and a Silverlight version of some code together and editing both sides was invaluable to me, so this should be easy to turn off if set by default
Tristan Grimmer commented
All three should be editable... sometimes you want to merge 2 files into the base... sometimes during an integration you may want to 'merge a diff' from one codeline into another. In short, there are some real-world situations where I wouldn't want my tool restricting me. Let perforce / scm decide what files are read-only. The question then becomes how will you deal with the RO attribute. The answer should be a choice between a) allow editing in memory and ask when saving what to do (overwrite/cancel) (that's how I have my VS set) or b) Ask what do do on first edit. Visual Studio puts a little lock symbol by the filename. Please don't restrict editing ability based on the arbitrary 'slot' a file is loaded into!
Neolisk commented
Mr Anonymous, do you seriously believe that adding an option is restricting the capabilities?
Anonymous commented
I would complain if this is removed. Being able to alter the base side of a diff is incredibly useful at times, such as with large, generated XML files. Being able to run the Edit.FormatSelection in Visual Studio is a dream.
I wouldn't mind seeing this as an option, since clearly some people want it, but I'd like to point out that this is investing effort into restricting the capabilities of the tool.
Chad Kittel commented
Or at least make this an option, which is on by default (meaning read-only by default). I could see someone complaining if the feature is completely removed.