270 results found
Popup 'select top 100'
I often find when writing queries in the Sql editor that I want to see a sample of data from the table I'm working with. It would by good if I could right click on the table name in the text editor and have a 'select top 100' option in the popup menu
1 voteAdminDevart (_, Devart) responded
You could use the snippets functionality of dbForge SQL Complete.
The snippet can be as follows:
SELECT TOP $count$ *
FROM $schema$.$table_name$ -
I often find when writing queries that I want to see a sample of data from the table I'm working with. It would by good if I could right cli
I often find when writing queries in the SQL edior that I want to see a sample of data from the table I'm working with. It would by good if I could right click on the table name in the text editor and have a 'select top 100' option in the popup menu
0 votes -
Combine views and tables in suggestion list as a single sorted list. Add a setting to enable this.
I would like to see the list of tables and views as a single sorted list in the suggestion list instead of tables then views. Add an option in Preferences to enable this feature for those who want it.
1 vote -
Search in Unsaved file (from Document Sessions)
We currently have an ability to search through executed queries. It would be great to be able to search in unsaved (and saved as well) files which are available in Document sessions.
Here is a use case for this. Let say you wrote a script, but you only executed part of it. There is no way to find the full script in the Execution history even though the full file is available in Document Sessions. So you would have to active document sessions which may have a large number of files, but you need only one of them.
Ability to…
1 vote -
Document Sessions Improvements Phase 2
Thank you for implementing enhancements to the document sessions. It looks great and adds much more value. I would like to suggest couple more enhancements:
- It would be more convenient if more recent sessions would be on the top instead of the bottom
- Apply connection coloring to the document sessions. So each file name would have a background color of the connection. It would make the 2 features integrated and extremely useful.
- Have a setting to remove old sessions older than 2 months (or period specified by users)
- Fix Display connection details next to each file (as you do in…
9 votes -
Execute current statement with variables
When running a query via "Execute Current Statement", it doesn't run if there are variables referenced. Instead you have to highlight the variable + query to get it to run. It would be nice if the variables were automatically included in the execution
1 vote -
2 votes
SQL Complete (or at least formatter) for Firebird?
Could you expand the SQL syntax to allow SQL code formatting for Firebird SQL?
1 vote -
Add option to adjust function tooltip font size
The tooltip font is just too small ...
4 votes -
Empty line management
There should be a global empty line management structure for formatting. It would be nice to see:
- Add empty line before/after keyword - Remove empty lines - Add empty line between statements
17 votes -
Add x blank line before and after as formatting options
I would like to have sometimes a blank line between segments of my SQL, for example before and after the UNION statements so it's easiter to see the different Select statements
1 vote -
If user types a paren *immediately before* a paren, skip *past* the paren instead
AutoComplete suggestion: MS Visual Studio does this, you should too.
- Type in a function name: SQLComplete adds a full set of parentheses: SET X=myFunction()
- Type in function parameters: SET x = MyFunction(1,2)
- If user types closing paren, we have two, which is wrong. Current alternative is to right arrow or something to get past it.
- SUGGESTION: If user types a paren immediately before a paren, skip past the paren instead!
MS Visual Studio does this and it works great.
0 votes -
Extend Insert Highlight Occurences feature to show popup with column name in the values area
when typing out the values for an insert statement
SSMS should popup an infotip very much like when inserting parameter for functions in Visual studio C# code.
e.g. After typing the , (comma). SSMS should show a popup
Insert into Person.Address
, AddressLine2
, __________________________#
StateprovinceID int not NULL #
^ popUP
2 votes -
SELECT Results Generate INSERTS INTO Temp Table / Table Variable
How about a feature which would take a SELECT result, declare a Temp Table / Table Variable based on the schema of the result, and generate INSERT INTO statements?
I do this often when comparing data across disparate systems where the source data is scripted into a table variable to be compared in the destination system. I use a combination of CONCATs and a WHILE loop to handle the need for a trailing comma (if using VALUE), or trailing UNION if using SELECTs as insert into source.
1 vote -
align equals
I like the option to align assignments in SELECT, UPDATE, etc, but I don't like that the alignment happens after the equals sign. It's much neater and easier to read when each column is aligned with an equals sign for the assignment.
(It's for this reason we use equals for column aliases rather than AS)
3 votes -
Intellisense/Completion for UDTs
User Defined Types seem to have no intellisense or completion. Hovering over them shows no information about them. SQL Complete does not offer to complete the field list when inserting into them.
This is extremely annoying. Please add intellisense and completion for UDTs!
13 votesAdminDevart (_, Devart) responded
dbForge works with user types.
Could you please describe it in more detail?
Go To Definition should open a connection if one is not already open
Currently you get an error if the Object Explorer is not connected to the same server. Seems like SQL Complete could make that connection for us and save that step.
1 vote -
code preview when hovering a tab or session in the "Documents Sessions" window
Code preview when hovering a tab or session in the "Documents Sessions" window. I often have several tabs open at once and they are all called "SQLQuery#.sql" which doesn't help. Allow me to see what code is in the tab by hovering it, or ctrl+tab or like tabing through windows or hovering windows in the taskbar in Windows.
3 votes -
Formatting Profiles - Quick Select (Activate) in Toolbar
it would be great if you add an icon for fast switching between Formatting Profiles in toolbar, rather than going to menu bar SQL Complete>Options>Formatting>Profiles>[select]>Activate>[OK].
The lack of this feature makes it almost impractical to use multiple formatting in one script.3 votes -
Performance when starting visual studio
When starting visual studio with SQL Complete, it takes 15 seconds more to open Visual studio.
Maybe you can change to load the data after visual studio is opened? That way the delay is not visible to the user.
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?