272 results found
don't break my system when I run update install
How about making sure that your updates don't break my system when I run update install. Every time I run your release update your install process wipes out my Environment.Keyboard.Query Shortcuts
3 votes -
column lookups in MERGE statements, like in INSERT statements. Click on a column name to find the corresponding value in the VALUES area.
column lookups in MERGE statements, like in INSERT statements. Click on a column name to find the corresponding value in the VALUES area.
3 votes -
AutoComplete table joins
Have the ability to train intellisense when joining tables to learn which tables join together.
so that in the future you can just type:
"select * from employees e
left join "and intellisense gives a drop down list of related tables, which when selected writes out the table name AND join columns.
"select * from employees e
left join "
and intellisense suggests: "manager m on m.managerID = e.managerID"4 votes -
9 votes
Formatting for Synapse
I have started using Serverless SQL Pool within SSMS. I have seen and voted for a post for Intellisense, but it would be good to be able to format a query too. For example the below query:
SELECT cast(r.filepath(1) as varchar(100)) as [$FileName], ISNULL(SysRowId,0) AS _SysRowId, ISNULL(LSN,'') AS LSN, ISNULL(LastProcessedChangeDateTime,'1900-01-01') AS LastProcessedChangeDateTime, ISNULL(DataLakeModifiedDateTime,'1900-01-01') AS DataLakeModifiedDateTime, ISNULL(RECID,0) AS RECID, Language, Status, Stage, ISNULL(DataAreaId,'') AS DataAreaId, ISNULL(PARTITION,0) AS PARTITION, ISNULL(RECVERSION,0) AS RECVERSION
FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'Tables/StgTable/*.csv'
WITH (SysRowId…7 votes -
Dark theme for SSMS
Hi, all. I'm really enjoying using SQL Complete. One feature that's been missing from SSMS is a dark theme. There is a way to hack a "dark theme" -- by changing a setting in a configuration file, but it's incomplete; ‘Object Explorer’ and ‘Output Window’ keep their blindingly white backgrounds. Please consider adding this feature to SQL Complete. Thanks
1 vote -
Add Troubleshooting solutions in error tooltips
Example 1:
If you are using a NOT declared variable @var1, @var1 will get underlined and there is a tooltip with the error.
On the tooltip there could be a suggestion: "add declare @var1 int".
Example 2:
If you are executing a procedure and you are missing some mandatory parameters then there could be the solution "add missing parameters" on the tooltip2 votes -
Intellisense for Synapse
We have started using serverless SQL Pool in Synapse, on top of a data lake.
In SSMS it behaves mostly as a "regular" SQL Server, however intellisense does not work at all with SQL Complete.
Please implement intelllisense for Synapse.10 votes -
how about support for visual studio 2022
be able to use sql complete in visual studio professional 2022
13 votes -
It would be very helpful to be able to right click on a tab in SSMS and have the option to rename it.
I currently have "SSMS Tools" installed to be able to accomplish this. Would be great to have the option in SQL Complete and be able to uninstall "SSMS Tools"
3 votes -
NewID() Snippet
I want to create a snippet that will generate a new guid value (the actual value generated from NewId()).
1 vote -
Choose Default Date For Insert/Update Statements
When auto-expanding an insert or update statement by pressing the tab key, the column list provides default values for the columns. With DateTime and DateTime2 in particular, it would be helpful to configure if you want to use the UTC datetime or the current timezone. Our company exclusively stores datetimes in UTC, so to have this default this way would be extremely helpful!
INSERT INTO #tmp (ID, CreatedDateUtc, Name)
VALUES (0, SYSDATETIME(), N''); -- allow this to populate as SYSUTCDATETIME() or GETUTCDATE(), depending on DATETIME2 vs DATETIME1 vote -
Create an option just change casing
In SQL Complete, I would love an option that lets you Format Selection but only changes the casing to what you have specified in your active profile. It would leave all other formatting as is.
3 votes -
Ask for the desired name of the table that will be used when creating 'Generated Script as' scripts
I always have to rename '[table]' to something meaningful to me.
3 votes -
Email notification when query completes
I previously used SSMSBoost. There was a feature, Query Post-Execution Handlers, that included Results per Email as an option. This feature leveraged PowerShell as the engine, perhaps because it was a Windows installation, and a "script generator" dialog box that converted selected options and variables into a PowerShell script and email message. I would have added a screen capture of this interface, but this post won't accept attachments. The feature also accepted a threshold so it would only apply to queries that exceed a specified number of seconds. It was nice to be able to set this up for long…
1 vote -
Change Connection on Multiple Tabs
I would like the ability to change the connection on multiple tabs in a single action. Currently, if I am testing in one environment with multiple tabs open, I need to change each connection individually. I would like a way to specify a new connection for multiple tabs.
3 votes -
Use object name as filename for "script object as"
When using the menu option "script object as..."
1) when creating the new file have the name of the object be the filename. That way it is much easier to find in the tabs of SSMS instead of just another SQLqueryxx.sql file. This would make it much easier to find it again after switching away from that document.2) have some option setup to make it always be a create and not an alter. When I use the command its so I can see what the object is, I don't want to accidentally modify it so create means sql server…
12 votes -
Enable command execution in query result pane
I very often use T-SQL to create a series of T-SQL commands to be run.
I need to ctrl-C+open new window+ctrl-V+F5 to accomplish that, and it works.
However, a nice feature would be to just be able to select the commands in the query result window, and choose "execution" from the shortcut menu, and have SQL Complete do all the additional work automagically.2 votes -
Improve standard filtering in Object Explorer
The standard filtering in Management Studio Object Explorer is rudimentary at best. I lack the ability to select multiple values, and use drop downs to do so. Or even better, use complex queries (with and/or/not), and maybe even save and reuse these for daily administration (much like snippets).
4 votes -
region collapse auto
I would like the options to enable such a setting that when procedures, functions, etc. are opened for editing, all regions would automatically collapse. There could also be a keyboard shortcut that collapses and expands all regions
2 votes
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