Popup 'select top 100'
I often find when writing queries in the Sql editor that I want to see a sample of data from the table I'm working with. It would by good if I could right click on the table name in the text editor and have a 'select top 100' option in the popup menu

You could use the snippets functionality of dbForge SQL Complete.
The snippet can be as follows:
SELECT TOP $count$ *
FROM $schema$.$table_name$
AdminDevart (_, Devart) commented
Thanks for your patience!
Just want to inform you that it is already implemented in the interface.
Adjust the displayed quantity in the options.
So we would like to suggest updating to the latest version and check there.
Devart Support Team
William Buchanan commented
Not sure I understand the response... Let's say I have the following query open in my sql editor:
Process.Task t
INNER JOIN syscore.SystemFunction sf ON t.SystemFunctionId = sf.ID
LEFT JOIN SysCore.Person p ON t.PersonId = p.Id
t.RecordStatusId='CURR'As i'm writing the query I want to see a sample of the data in 'SysCore.Person' so that I can see what columns and data is in there. My suggestion is that I can right click on 'SysCore.Person' and choose an option to show me this sample data. At the moment I need to open a new query editor and type in select top 100 * from SysCore.Person