192 results found
Sorting and searching in connection browser
Sorting! Just "must be" feature.
Ability to search connection by typing in "LIKE '%searchstring%" algorythm.
3 votes -
Save bind variable values after execute the query
Save bind variable values after execute the query
3 votesAdminDevart (_, Devart) responded
Could you please explain it in more detail providing an example if possible?
Ability to navigate for procedures and functions
Add ability to navigate for procedures and functions as it realised in menu item Go To Definition for tables.
3 votes -
A link to the invalid object in the Invalid Object Manager
As you see an invalid object, double clicking it, you could go to the object declaration to fix the problem, returning to the invalid object manager after that!
3 votes -
Data files visual editior
Add visual editor for Oracle data files
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3 votes
Excel 2007 Export Null Date Error
The Excel 2007 export option does not properly handle Null datetime values even if I specify the export format to be string.
I cannot use the Excel 2007 export option at all because of this issue. If I have a column of type datetime and that column contains NULL values the export will fail with a conversion error.
3 votes -
password reset / expiration
Other database clients have the capability to deal with an expired password by changing the expired password of the user account, updating the internal stored password, and logging in with the new password through a simple UI.
Oracle DB Forge Studio does not offer any option to deal with an expired password, an alternative database client seems to be the only answer.
3 votes -
3 votes
Continuous Integration and Versioning Table
Enhance the Visual Studio db Project or the Oracle ODT DB Project by allowing the entire project to go through a script execution process and update a versions table in the database as tools like RoundhousE and SQLInstaller.NET do for SQL Server. Provide a wrapper-like instance of SQL*Plus for Continuous Integration support with .NET and Oracle teams.
3 votes -
vi key bindings
vi key-bindings in sql editor would be amazing!
3 votes -
Ability to view list of private procedures/functions in package body from Database Explorer
Add to Database Explorer the ability to view the list of the private procedures/functions in package body. Otherwise, there is no possibility to navigate to the functions that are not specified in the package declaration.
3 votes -
Add special changes to the data syncronization script. Like set_tag
Add special changes to the data syncronization script. Like set_tag
3 votes -
Excel 97 Headers on Row 11 Export Bug
Excel export repeats the column headers on row 11 every time
Every time I export a result set to Excel 97 the first row that contains the column headers is repeated on row 11. This is really damn annoying.
3 votes -
expression indexes
Normal view for expression indexes
3 votes -
Simple sort of Columns in Query View
In some schemas/tables there may be MANY fields. It would be fantastic if there were a way to set (and remember) that tables could have their fields sorted alphabetically. It would then be really useful if there was the ability to Filter.
This second ask would be similar to how part of the Database Explorer works for filtering now.
3 votes -
add text convertes in import/export data (substring,trim,ltrim,rtrim), for exmaple.
send a 50 varchar column to another table with 40 colum varchar, in pl/sql there is a option to make this with a part of command in textbox (substr(:xxxxxx,1,4o) ... it's generated in insert
3 votes -
New feature: Hide columns in table diagrams with a specific names defined by the user. For example: "TimeStamp", "LastUser" , etc.
New feature: Hide some columns in all table diagrams with a specific names defined by the user. For example: "TIMESTAMP", "LASTUSER" , etc. In some cases all tables owns some of theese fields that are not important in the diagrams and wastes space.
3 votes -
Support schedule jobs in schema comparison
The schema comparison should allow to compare DBMS_SCHEDULER-derived objects, such as scheduled jobs, schedules, programs, chains, and so on.
2 votes -
Ability to select multiple schemas for creating snapshots
It would be nice if i can select multiple schemas for creating snapshots. "New Schema Comparison" window design is very handy and can be take as an example.
2 votes
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