243 results found
Implementing OpenDatasets in Direct mode
Procedure TCustomMSConnection.OpenDatasets doesn't work with Direct mode (MSConnection.Options.Provider := prDirect) but works with ODBC or SQL Native Client provider. I suggest implementing it in Direct mode.
3 votes -
Export SQL from Query component with values of the parameters
When you need to debug some SQL, you can save the SQL query to a file and then run it outside of your application to check for any issues with the query. However, you cannot do the same when using parameters. When you try to save SQL.Text to a file, you will get the query with parameter names, such as SELECT * FROM A WHERE Id = :paramname. To debug effectively, I need to see the values of the parameters. Ideally, I want to save the query with the actual parameter values, like SELECT * FROM A WHERE ID =…
3 votes -
Support open source free embedded database DuckDB
DuckDB is an open source free and very good embedded database, is it possible to fully embed DuckDB into delphi programs like SQLite, without external DLL files?
12 votes -
Connect to Firebird direct via Android and IOs without the need for a DB Client similar to PostgreSQL, Mysql, Redshift and Nexus.
1 vote -
Natural sort for IndexFieldNames (order 1, 2, 11 instead of 1, 11, 2)
You can order your query/table with the property IndexFieldNames. But if you have an varchar field that contains numbers, the order is wrong. You get:
2But better would be:
11This can be done with the "natural sort" algorithm. Please implement it for the use with IndexFieldNames like:
ATable.IndexFieldNames := 'MyField natural';
I know I could sort it with SQL, but I need client side sorting with the property IndexFieldNames.
For natural sort see:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_sort_order(As far I know Windows uses StrCmpLogicalW to sort file names in that way)
5 votes -
In Postgres it's possible to create an readonly column,
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createtable.htmlGENERATED ALWAYS AS ( generation_expr ) STORED
This clause creates the column as a generated column. The column cannot be written to, and when read the result of the specified expression will be returned.Automatic generated SQL for INSERT OR UPDATE don't handle the column as readonly. If you set UpdateAllFields to true an exception is raised. Also an exception occurs when you change the value of this field an call Post.
The column should be set to readonly an the corresponding field should be excluded from INSERT andUPDATE.
3 votes -
TfrxUniDACComponents Suport For Lazarus
Looking in the "UniDAC\Demos\ThirdParty\FastReport\" folder, I found a component: "TfrxUniDACComponents", which integrates Unidac with FastReport for Delphi, but I didn't find it for Lazarus. I'm using Lazarus 2.2.6 and would like to know if it's possible to develop this component for Lazarus as well.
3 votes -
Direct Json result from Db driver (no Dataset)
For remote server with REST we need a FAST Json result from Db driver, direct, avoiding dataset marshalling.
3 votes -
Limit of records as it exists in FireDAC
I would like it to have a record limit setting that is the same or similar to what exists in FireDAC.
This configuration and the behavior of FireDAC with this configuration would be nice to have in the Devart ODAC component.Here is an example of what exists in FireDAC:
TFDQuery.FetchOptions.RecsMax := 100;3 votes -
Add PostgreSQL error codes to error message
Currently we are migrating Oracle to PostgreSQL DBExpress. With Oracle, we were able to categorize DBExpress errors based on the message "ORA-XXXXX" and perform appropriate error handling. We had to do this because of the limitation of DBExpress.
With PostgreSQL, we have the problem that we only get the error message. So we would have to parse all error messages individually. Per error code there are 1:n different PostgreSQL error messages!
Therefore our question to you: Would it be possible to set the error code analog to Oracle at the start of the error message?
For example "PG-22023 input string…
1 vote -
4 votes
batchUpdates: get a RowsAffected array
When using batchUpdate, we have a total RowsAffected, but cannot know how many rows were affected by each individual parameter array item.
So if you take different actions according to return value of RowsAffected, batchUpdates cannot be used.
It would be nice to have a RowsAffectedArray (DynamicArray<__int64>, size = params.ValueCount) holding this value.3 votes -
VirtualDAC Debug info shown in DBMonitor
Unlike other product such as ODAC, for virtualDAC, as now I am using VirutalQuery, if debug is set to true, it seems that dialog will be shown at each step, which make the debug in thread/service very difficult.
Is it possible, like TOraMonitor of ODAC, we have have sort of TVirtualDACMonitor for VirtualDAC, to push the debug information to dbmonitor, the same behavior as of other product family?
1 vote -
Debug info shown in DBMonitor
Unlike other product such as ODAC, for virtualDAC, as now I am using VirutalQuery, if debug is set to true, it seems that dialog will be shown at each step, which make the debug in thread/service very difficult.
Is it possible, like TOraMonitor of ODAC, we have have sort of TVirtualDACMonitor for VirtualDAC, to push the debug information to dbmonitor, the same behavior as of other product family?
1 vote -
Add DBMonitor support for notifications
For debugging purposes we often add
raise notice '%', some_variable
which is handy because can give us back information without stopping the app like 'warning' or 'exception' would.It would be great if DBmonitor could catch such notice and show somehow.
1 vote -
Extension of PostGreSQL to support multiple hosts
With PostGreSQL it is possible to specify multiple host components, each with an optional port component, in a single URI. A URI of the form
is equivalent to a connection string of the form
host=host1,host2,host3 port=port1,port2,port3.
Each host will be tried in turn until a connection is successfully established.
I'd like UniDAC to support this approach.
3 votes -
DetailDelay - DetailLoaded - status in Detail table
I am using DetaiDelay for all my tables (big database with lot of Master/Detail/SubDetail tables). After change of position of Master table I want check if data in Detail/Subdetail table was loaded/refreshed already.
Can you please add here any function, which can check it ?3 votes -
New Function to UniDac (Save\load to JSON and CSV)
Uniquery,VirtualTable, etc..
add new functions
SaveToCSVFor TVirtualTable
Add new functions
LoadFromCSVSo the weight of transfered data would be much LOWER then transfer an XML file...
8 votes -
New Function to UniDac (Save\load to JSON and CSV)
Uniquery,VirtualTable, etc..
add new functions
SaveToCSVFor TVirtualTable
Add new functions
LoadFromCSVSo the weight of transfered data would be much LOWER then transfer an XML file...
23 votes -
Support PostGIS Geometry-Data-Types
The possibility to read/write Geometry-Data-Types of PostGIS (MultiPolygon, Collections etc.) as it is possible with PostGreSQL-Geometry-Data-Types like lseg, polygon etc.
7 votes
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