Add PostgreSQL error codes to error message
Currently we are migrating Oracle to PostgreSQL DBExpress. With Oracle, we were able to categorize DBExpress errors based on the message "ORA-XXXXX" and perform appropriate error handling. We had to do this because of the limitation of DBExpress.
With PostgreSQL, we have the problem that we only get the error message. So we would have to parse all error messages individually. Per error code there are 1:n different PostgreSQL error messages!
Therefore our question to you: Would it be possible to set the error code analog to Oracle at the start of the error message?
For example "PG-22023 input string is too short for datetime format".
Maybe this could be turned on or off per customer with a new connection parameter.
As we have seen in various posts, this new feature would certainly be useful for some other customers as well.

Alexander Somov commented
It's not necessary because it's already available. You can check the class of the retrieved exception object. The general exception class, EUniError, has fields ErrorCode and InnerError. If InnerError class is EPgError, then you can retrieve the DetailMsg property.