58 results found
Show row counts in tooltip when you hover over a table name in editor
Would love to see this feature that is currently in dbForge SQLComplete for SSMS in dbForge Studio for Postgres.
See the difference in this screenshot:
https://imgur.com/a/arJ3RWLIn SSMS (left), when you hover over a table name in editor, the tooltip shows the estimated row count in table as the last line, below the table description/comments.
2 votes -
F12 function key pressed on an object name in editor should select object in Database Explorer
Would love to see the F12 function key behavior from dbForge SqlComplete in SSMS added to dbForge Studio for Postgres.
Here is a GIF of how the F12 key works in SSMS:
https://imgur.com/a/LZCOE7kWhen in the editor, you can place the caret on a object name (table, column, etc.) and hit F12, and the Database Explorer panel on the left expands to select that object.
1 vote -
Show panel with result set if it was previosly hidden
If panel with result set was hidden it should be unhidden on the next query execution.
Otherwise it is unclear whether the query has been executed or not.
For comparison, SSMS behaves this way.See a gif: https://i.imgur.com/pN6rvXW.gif
Steps to reproduce:
- execute a query
- hide panel with result set by mouse click to its horizontal border
- execute a query againExpected: the panel with result set is shown.
Actual: the panel with result set remains hidden.If user executes any select-statement he usually wants to see a result set, doesn't he?
So I don't see any reason…3 votes -
Add feature to highlight matches when typing
I suggest to add highlighting matches when typing a text in (Ctrl+F)-window.
Here is how it works in SSMS:
https://i.imgur.com/DXypWLj.gifIt is especially useful when using regular expressions so that you see all highlighted matches of a pattern in text immediatelly.
1 vote -
Enhance suggestion for 'drop database' statement
When user is typing 'drop database' statement, the application should add "with(", but not "with".
It helps to type this command faster.Now user must add "(" and ")" by himself.
Here is an example:
https://i.imgur.com/t1jerz2.gif1 vote -
context menu on index, to be able to script create, alter, drop an existing index
context menu on index, to be able to script create, alter, drop an existing index
4 votes -
Allow @ For Named Parameters
We use Telerik Reports for our report viewer. We'd like to use dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL to do our SQL development. Telerik uses '@' for named parameters, but dbForge Studio allows only ':'. This makes it a pain to move SQL code between the two applications. Please allow @ for named parameters.
1 vote -
context menu
context menu on table trigger to script (create or replace) trigger function directly
1 vote -
Detect file encoding automatically when opening files
Our project files are UTF-8 encoded. Our various text editors detect this automatically - VS Code, for example - but dbForge asks for the encoding when opening and defaults to "Western European (Windows)". The result is any UTF-8 specific characters are corrupted without warning.
If this code is applied to a database the database code will also be corrupted without warning.
I would suggest attempting to detect the file encoding automatically and only ask for the file encoding if the detection fails.
3 votes -
I see that the RAISE NOTICE in postgresql does print out, but you can't see them until after the query has completed. Most other IDEs print out the notices while the query is running. This is actually quite useful when debugging long running queries. I, like most developers, will add RAISE NOTICE to print out running times, and if a query takes a long time I may cancel the query half way through but already have several messages printed for what I have changed and can see if I have made any progress without having to wait for the entire…
1 vote -
4 votes
change names on property's box
Will be easy can change or rename the columns or tables
2 votes -
Highlight error between $$
All text between $$ (anonymous or named i.e. $name$) code highlighted as text literal. E.g. standard example from official PG docs:
CREATE PROCEDURE insert_data(a integer, b integer)
AS $$
$$;All text from $$ to $$ is colored as literal.
2 votes -
Add "Administration" tab in dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL
Can you please add, in dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL, an "Administration" tab similar to Oracle and MySQL versions: * Monitor Sessions * Manage Server Security (database users management) * Some maintenance stuff and so on ?
3 votes -
Сделать нормальный DB Diagram для PostgreSQL
Сделать нормальный DB Diagram для PostgreSQL, как для MySql. Чтобы были контейнеры и множество других настроек. То, что есть сейчас - никуда не годится
1 vote -
Allow stacking query results in the same tab like in SSMS
You used to support this for mysql.
It is unbelievably annoying to have to run comparison queries in separate tabs, then copy and paste the data into another program in order to do simple comparisons.
3 votes -
More detailed insert/update/delete errors
For example: In pgAdmin I ran an insert statement and was told exactly what value was causing the foreign key constrain error. In dbForge I'm not told what value is causing the error.
pgAdmin Error:
ERROR: insert or update on table "return" violates foreign key constraint "FKreturncategorycategoryid"
DETAIL: Key (category_id)=(Lodging) is not present in table "category".
SQL state: 23503dbForge Error:
1 insert or update on table "return" violates foreign key constraint "FKreturncategorycategoryid" SQL.sql 1 14 votes -
Update software through the proxy
It would be great to be able to enter Proxy Server Credential to update software in corporate environment
1 vote -
Copy or cut line in one keystroke like in Visual Studio
"if you just want to cut or copy one line, you don't have to select the line. All you have to do is put your cursor on the line and press Control+X or Control+C. Visual Studio will cut or copy the whole line, including the carriage return."
3 votes -
Add Roles to the Database Explorer
Only Database objects are display in the DE, Roles would be handy.
3 votes
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