Suggest object by capital letter abbreviation. Similar to ReSharper
When typing in a statement. For example:
FROM MyTable
Instead of having to type in MyTable. I would just like to enter
At which point the suggestion box would identify the table MyTable based on it's initial capital letter at the beginning of each word.
Similar to the feature in ReSharper:
Please perform the following:
1. Select ‘SQL Complete → Options’ from the main menu. The ‘Options’ window opens.
2. Navigate to the ‘List Members’ branch in the ‘Options’ window.
3. Select the ‘Camel Case’ option.
4. Click ‘OK’.
tsahi commented
Actually, R# is smarter than that. You can type any sequence of characters from the member you are looking for, and the autocomplete list is filtered by any members which contain the character you typed, as long as they appear in the same order you typed.