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SQL Complete

dbForge SQL Complete is an intellisense add-in for SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio with advanced autocompletion and formatting features of T-SQL code.

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SQL Complete



275 results found

  1. The xml Data Type methods ( MUST be lower case. We have keywords set to be upper case, and that makes the xml Data Type methods upper case too, which does not work.

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  2. It would be a nice feature if you can add to database, schema and table brackets []. If you use certain characters like $ you have to enclose it with [].

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    It’s implemented in the latest build of SQL Complete. Have a look at the “Enclose identifiers within square brackets” option.

  3. WITH Dates
    FROM test
    SELECT *
    FROM Dates

    where I am expecting it to look like this:

    WITH Dates
    AS (
    FROM test
    SELECT *
    FROM Dates

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  4. I saw another program that allowed shortcuts such as typing ssf generated query "SELECT * FROM"
    I could create new shortcuts too. See this for details:

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  5. While writing a function name in a query, sqlcomplete force the name to lowercase. In Turkish we have "I" letter and its lower char is "ı" not "i". I mean, when i want to write MIN() function, sqlcomplete replaces with "mın()" not "min()". If you allow function names to be uppercase it would be great. Thank you

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  6. Everytime I upgrade, the installer forces me to exit Visual Studio. However, I only install SQL Complete for Management Studio. Please give me an option to ignore that error message

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  7. Make it ignore the DDL part and just format the actual view definition

    ALTER VIEW v_xyz AS
    .. some complex query


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  8. To have an option to on-off and when it is on -
    when the keyword 'LIKE' is typed or selected, put the 2 percentage signs sorrounded by single quotes and keep the cursor in between.
    Select * from t where FirstName Like '%%'

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    You can create a snippet wit the Snippets Manager filling in its fields as follows:

    Shortcut: like

    Description: LIKE$CARET$

    Text: LIKE$CARET$

  9. Highlight the BEGIN/END ?

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  10. Allow option to not fancy indent declared variables, but just put a new line after declare, and have all variables just indented with a tab (normally).

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  11. It should offer to close SSMS, wait for the save dialog to exit and launch the update.

    Or if that can't be done, it should at least launch explorer with the file highlighted after download.

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  12. 13 votes

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  13. 4 votes

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  14. Currently, aliases are placed directly after the column name. Would like to be able to align them and see all aliases in the same column start position

    , FirstName + ' ' + LastName PurchasedBy
    , BranchName BName
    , DamageTotal Damage
    , PurchasePrice - WBACValuation AdjAmount

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  15. For readability it would be great if the "AND" operator in a join clause could be on a new line. We currently have:

    ON B.KEY = A.KEY AND B.DATE = A.DATE AND .......... etc.

    Would be nice if we can have:

    ON B.KEY = A.KEY
    AND ......... etc.

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  16. Shall we give some option to generate the Insert/Update/Delete scripts from the Selected Result Window

    For Eg.

    SELECT * FROM Employee WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE DepartmentID = 1

    Lets assume that, this query returns five recards. The User should able to see Insert/Update/Delete Scripts menu when the User right clicks in the result window.

    If the User Clicks Insert, we have to generate the Insert script for the Selected Rows & Columns.

    If the User Clicks Update, we have to generate the Update script for the Selected Rows & Columns with the where clause. The where clause should map with primarykey.


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  17. Allow SQL formatter to change spaces to tabs and vice versa.

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    This can be setup in the ‘Text Options’ section that can be invoked by pressing down the ‘Show text options’ button on the toolbar of the ‘Edit Formatting Profile’ window.

    To open the ‘Edit Formatting Profile’ window, please perform the following:
    1. Select ‘SQL Complete → Options…’ from the main menu. The ‘Options’ window opens.
    2. Navigate to the ‘Formatting → Profiles’ branch.
    3. Select the active profile and click the ‘Edit Profile…’ button.

  18. Support for ALTER TABLE statements

    For example if I type in "ALTER TABLE " I don't get the list of tables in the database (as I would if I typed "UPDATE " for example). Similarly if I then type "ALTER COLUMN " I don't get prompted with column names (as I would if I typed "UPDATE MyTable SET ").

    Lastly if I try and format an ALTER TABLE statement it all gets put on a single line. It would be nice to be able to format an ALTER TABLE statement on multiple lines, for example breaking before an ALTER COLUMN…

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  19. Auto select the first suggestion by default, and I don't need to click or select it, thanks.

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    1. I use Oracle SQL Developer more than SQL Server Management Studio, and constantly find myself attempting to use Ctrl-Enter in SSMS to execute the current statement, instead of the existing shortcut of Ctrl-Shift-E. Since Ctrl-Enter in SSMS currently appears to provide the exact same functionality as does the Enter key alone, could Ctrl-Enter perhaps be an additional (or alternate) shortcut for "Run Current Statement"? I can't think of any reasons why there would be any objection to this, but if there are, perhaps this functionality could be turned on or off via an Option.

    2. If a SELECT statement ends with…

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