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dbForge Studio for MySQL

dbForge Studio for MySQL is a universal set of MySQL GUI tools for database management, administration and development. It enables to create and execute queries, develop and debug MySQL routines, and automate MySQL database object management in the convenient environment.

dbForge Studio for MySQL



460 results found

  1. Additional validation when saving a procedure to check that all variables used exist either as parameters or variables would be very handy.

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  2. It would be really nice if dbForgeStudio generated cleaner SQL code. Currently, the code generated by dbForge is very confusing and differs too much from the code generated by hand. There is no option to turn some settings off.

    This is a problem if we need to maintain SQL scripts that are manually edited later. Everytime we need to export a script, we need to manually format the code and remove all the unecessary stuff.

    Some of the issues are:

    1) Every identifier is escaped even if it is plain english text. View generation gets really confusing by escaping every…

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  3. I would love to be able to right click on a table and set an alias for that table that would then be used in the alias for scripts from then on rather than having to edit them each time
    for eg


    i could set an alias of stupidClient to it

    so when I typed

    select from mystupidclient_table

    autocomplete would use the alias for the table i previously specified to give

    select from mystupidclient_table stupidClient

    ideally we could autocomplete on the specified aliases with a seperate hotkey, tab vs ctrl->space perhaps where one…

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  4. Sometimes is useful to sync just one object. It may be done via right click, choosing to sync data also in case the object is a table.

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  5. Hi, there is a suggestion for improvements :
    It could be usefull to have possibility for conditional breakpoint in Stored Procedure debuging. For example, in a procedure, i put a breakpoint, but i want the process to stop only if some variable has a specific value.
    And by the way, it could be also usefull to see the value of a use variable. For exemple, if a define a variable vvar, when the mouse cursor is over the variable, i can see an info about this variable, but if i define another like @vvar (with the @ prefix),…

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  6. Specify the algorithm for creating a view and check if the view be created with this algorithm. E.g. the Merge algorithm don't work if you use a group by clause.

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  7. Currently, the target directory for backups and restores is remembered between sessions as a global setting, affecting the whole application.

    We store in separate directories for each connection or each database. It would reduce mouse clicks if Studio remembered the target directory of backup and restore operations on a per-connection or per-database basis.

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  8. import from odbc source: ability to import a whole odbc database at once , with the option to create new mysql database

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  9. Add an option to hide connections in the "Sleep" state in Session Manager (like MySQL Workbench does).

    In many cases an application holds an open connection to the server but is idle. Or the app keeps a pool of open connections, but only a few of them are being used.

    Being able to hide connections in the "Sleep" state lets you see only the connections that are actively doing something right now, which is usually what you are interested in.

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  10. Multi-select column Names (works).
    Drag and drop as a COMMA List in the SQL Editor (does not work)

    Even better, if the SQL Text area is empty or being dropped after a ; with no open SQL statement, include "Select " + $fields + " from " + $table with it!

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  11. in the list of server connections would be nice if the color of the active connection (the little plug) was had more of a contrasting color between connected and closed.

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  12. I am missing one feature from MySQL Workbench quite much - the "filter rows" feature that sit´s right abow the result grid. It let´s youe filter t he results quickly for a string, which I need maybe 100 times a day. This is much more efficient thant editing the query all the time (this can be quite long).

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  13. Print datareport directly from command line

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  14. I would like the ability to copy the values from the Parameters grid in dbMonitor. We use a lot of GUIDs for values, and it would be so much easier to be able to copy the values from dbMonitor that were used as parameters, or that were returned from stored procedures.

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  15. utf8 in mysql is a proprietary 3-byte format and doesn't support real utf8 encodings with 4-byte chars. As result, when dealing with real unicode, many scripts generated by dbforge fail with "Incorrect string value: \xF..." because mysql cannot understand 4 byte strings.

    The correct utf8 encoding in mysql is 'utf8mb4' and everywhere dbforge puts utf8 by default (generated scripts, default connection encodings, etc), it should put utf8mb4 to improve support.

    Currently I have to save all scripts and change utf8 to utf8mb4 manually.

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  16. For datetime and decimal types dbForge Studio has its own definitions. You should add a setting that will get the format from server and preferably it should synchronize changes for example if I execute SET lc_time_names = 'tr_TR'; it should change UI format accordingly.

    But as a former developer and DBA admin (both mssql) I expected to see result of my query formatted in server and session parameters. For example if I set language to US English in Sql Server for my session all the datetimes in my results shown in US format both in Management Studio and my .Net…

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  17. 4 votes

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  18. AWS RDS databases support IAM authentication. This makes managing user credentials across our dozens of deployed databases much easier to manage. It would be great if you client was able to use IAM credentials. Should be able to use the default profile if not specified or specify a profile to use. Refreshing credentials after the 15 minute expiration would be a great feature to support as well.

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  19. It's great if I can choose many database as default at start. Currently it just support one default database
    May be it will be like this: database1;database2;database3

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  20. See:

    Sometime in version 9, 'datetime' fields in tables and queries format to the American standard, even though the formatting options show an example of International formatting, this is not applied

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