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dbForge Studio for MySQL

dbForge Studio for MySQL is a universal set of MySQL GUI tools for database management, administration and development. It enables to create and execute queries, develop and debug MySQL routines, and automate MySQL database object management in the convenient environment.

dbForge Studio for MySQL



460 results found

  1. I use a very busy color theme in Visual Studio, finding it helps me visuallize the code better.

    However, when comparing two files with my "dev" theme its much too visually noisy.

    I would like an option to disable the coloring detected by Code Compare when launched from Visual Studio.

    Just a simple checkbox to "Always use defautl colors" for source code would suffice.

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  2. For every user can use it. It would be a bad thing, after what that time editor of the machine itself was blocked.

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  3. I store scripts on a network share. For some reason dbForge takes forever to load and save to the share. Other programs do not have this problem.

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  4. Use case: Moving data from production environment into empty test environment.

    If source or target table is empty then there is no need to compare rows. In the frontend it looks like every row is processed in a loop, takes half a minute to process ~30000 records, and a lot more time to process a million records.

    I suggest to perform a record count on the target table. If target table is empty, just suggest to copy over all rows in the source. If target table is not empty, then check source table. If source table is empty, then suggest…

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  5. When designing a query with a lot of tables, the font size gets too small to read. You should be able to change the font to make it readable.

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  6. While viewing a set of data in the master-detail browser, it would be nice to be able to export the data that is shown on the screen. The export could be done for each master-detail tab separately or it would be nice to be allowed to export data from all currently displayed tabs; however, this would have to be separate files or Excel sheets for each tab.

    If nothing else, allow copy on the data rows so they can be manually copied and pasted into Excel or other application.

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  7. Currently I have "nested" statements like the following and if one column add fails the rest of the query additional fails!

    ALTER TABLE cmsgewaehltemodule
    CHANGE COLUMN parentid parentid INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER id,
    CHANGE COLUMN seitenid seitenid INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER parenteintragid,
    CHANGE COLUMN systemmodus systemmodus ENUM('live','staging') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'live';

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  8. Is it possible to have the AS stay on the same line as CREATE or ALTER ddl statements?

    For example I have
    CREATE VIEW vSTuff as SELECT * From tbl which formats to
    CREATE VIEW vStuff
    as SELECT *
    FROM tbl

    I want
    CREATE VIEW vStuff as
    SELECT *
    FROM tbl

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  9. add a feature to import excel tables with several Regions because when you import the first region (or TAB) the action finishes and you have to begin again open the same file and perform the same action. I'm importing a 300 tables with 262000 records each one and is very difficult to open each file 5 times!!

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  10. Many times while I am coding on left monitor (perhaps a setup screen, or something that adds to a queue) I watch plsql developer in my right monitor refreshing a query every 2 seconds and if the new record appears then I know that it worked correctly otherwise I need to dig deeper into the code. With dbFordge I would constantly have to click the refresh button and if there were any parameters I'd have to see the parameter entry screen on each refresh. I use this feature regularly when tracking down bugs. It is a real convenience.

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. Granting privileges has issues if the database name contains an underscore.

    If the database privileges have been defined on the mysql command line or in pma myadmin the underscores are escaped so that an exact match of the database name applies.


    GRANT select on my\_db.* TO 'user'@'host'

    DbForge does not escape the _ character and creates a new privilege:

    GRANT INSERT on my_db.* TO 'user'@'host'

    If the 'my_db' escaped SELECT privilege is present then the INSERT privilege created by dbForge is ignored.

    The underscores in database and host names should be escaped out by dbForge when it…

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  13. When first connected to a database, show and arrange the database's problem places by severity:

    • critical
    • problem
    • satisfactory
    • excellent

    Then, offer a solution to solve the problems.

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  14. When performing data comparison, test destination for existence and number of rows before comparing. If destination table doesn't exist or is empty, all data in the source can be marked as not matched, saving the time of the actual compare operation.

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  15. Hello,

    when the editor recognizes a command it automatically adjusts the lines.
    Problem ist that the cursor does not follow!
    Example: You are in line 2 of your SQL command and the editor adjusts the format to 4 lines. You continue to type, but not at the end in line 4 but somewhere in the middle in line 2 of the command.


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  17. When editing a stored proc or viewing data, right arrow moves cursor to right fields; when end of row reached, cursor automatically starts at left-most field of next row. Would appreciate ability to have cursor stop at end of row since this makes selecting data more reliable (will not inadvertently select start of next line when highlighting text).

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  19. have find and replace while editing views, procedures, etc

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  20. To design a report with the studio and exporting it as a php-script for easy include or link.


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