Quick search of a table after retreiving data
A search bar across the top above column names after retreiving data (either by right clicking on a table and retreiving data, or after running a select query).
The search bar would function as a WHERE statement clause to temporarly further refine the data.
Example: data on a record needs to be quickly manually edited. With two clicks (one right on the table, on left on retreive data) I can retrive records from the table. Then typing in the search bar "id = 3728" (without the quotes) woulld then filter the results down to only those matching.
Both SequalPro (Mac) and DataGrip (Cross Platform) have this feature and it has been incredibly helpful.
Anonymous commented
hi, as you work with the devexpress-tools, it would be easy to put an auto-search-column on top of the grids;
this feature would be very appreciated !