Save layout of stored procedure editor
It would be nice if the default view for stored procedures was "what I used last" rather than "half a screen of parameters, even when there are no parameters".
Admittedly I have quite a few stored procedures with long lists of parameters (because MySQL/ConnectorC++ is horrid), and even for those I would rather see the default view have the splitter dragged up to hide the "parameters" text.
I spend most of my SP editing time dealing with longer, more complex stored procedures, and having to constantly drag that splitter back up so I can have most of a screen of SQL is annoying.
I suspect that for users who have short, simple stored procedures it wouldn't matter if you set the splitter to the bottom of the parameter list rather than half-way up the screen, but to me even that would be a significant improvement.
Florin commented
Or could be possible to have a setting in application that when open a stored routine to load SQL editor for that stored routine directly ? I use often sql editor, not parameters view, so it would be convenient for me to switch to sql editor direclty.