Schema/data comparison user interface
Hi. I'm currently evaluating studio for sql server. OK, i'm primarily interested in schema and data comparison but evaluating the whole studio product. Here's a couple of things which i think would be useful additions/modifications to the UI of the product(s) (schema and data comparison).
- The "recent files" section. I think it would be better if there was a "favorites" section above "recent files" and the user was able to choose whether he wishes to have the "recent files", "favorites" or both sections shown. Also, comparison projects could have an editable title so in the "favorites" section, one could see the title instead of what appears now ("DB (Server1 vs Server2)").
- In the results of the schema comparison, tables are grouped depending on whether they are different or only in one of the two servers. I've used other comparison programs and i find the "two trees approach" more useful and clear than the one you are using. Imagine two trees in the screen. The left one shows the source server's items and the right one the destination. There is a top level in the tree containing the names of all items taking place in the comparison (tables, views, functions, procs, etc). Under there, all names (i.e. of the tables) are shown with different colors depending on whether they are the same, different or non-existant. Each table name could also be expandable so one could see its columns, indexes, keys, default values, etc. In front of the tree a checkbox should exist so one would be able to check it and make it a part of any sync script generated. Under the trees, a section exists like the one you have now, showing the left and right "create" scripts of the tables. If you have a visual image of a DB in your mind with all tables sorted alphabetically, it's easier to work with it like this than having all tables/views grouped by "only in source server, different, etc").
- Clicking on a "recently used" item (for data comparison only), the "edit comparison" window should appear in the "mapping" section, just in case someone wishes to select a different set of tables to be compared. When you have a local DB and a remote one with a slow connection, you wish to select the comparison items before starting the process which might take several minutes to complete.
- The "change sync direction" concept in the data comparison window is a little confusing. It would be much better if the whole window was changed in such a way as if the comparison was made from the beginning with the two servers swapped. Swap the values of the grid columns "only in source" and "only in target" and not the titles. The same with the tabs.