162 results found
dbForge Studio Database Documention can´t create "Depends On" or "Used By"
When dbforge Studio creates the Documention for a Database all "Depends On" and "Used By" refers are empty when the Database Name contains a "-".
6 votes -
6 votes
DataCompare: Add option to turn ON\OFF Generation of "IF NOT EXISTS" on inserting
I have to script data so it won't produce an error when running the sql statement.. 80% of the time I have to manually update the data synch scripts like this:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.DescriptionReference WHERE DescriptionId = '0243b2d2-58b2-4aaf-8cfd-0011f036f0e3')
INSERT dbo.DescriptionReference(DescriptionId, CultureCode, IsDefault, Description, LongDescription, SourceTable, IsActive, Created, CreatedBy, Updated, UpdatedBy)
VALUES ('0243b2d2-58b2-4aaf-8cfd-0011f036f0e3', N'en-US', 1, N'2300 REF F8 - P', NULL, N'FormatRuleValue', 0, '2015-06-01', 'TESTA', '2015-06-01', 'TEST')
If I don't and the data exists it throws an error and stops our DB Upgrade process..
IT WOULD BE GREAT if you could have an option to turn on…6 votes -
Fix Find and Replace dialog annoyances
The Find and Replace dialog has two annoyances :
1. "Look in:" should indicate "Selection" whenever the dialog is open and there is text selected in the query window. Particularly important for replace actions !
2. When switching to either the "Find what:" or "Replace with:" edit field, the content should be selected instead of placing the cursor at the end. This way, what the user types reaplces the content of the edit box.Thanks for voting :)
5 votesThis feature is implemented in the new version 4.0 of dbForge Studio for SQL Server http://www.devart.com/dbforge/sql/studio/download.html
Support SourceGear Vault
Its website is at: http://sourcegear.com/
5 votes -
Ability to select between several color schemes for SQL document
Implement at least two color schemes dark and bright so when changing to the dark scheme, a user is to be able to quickly change the text color as well.
5 votesWe would like to let you know that we have released dbForge Studio for SQL Server, v3.8 Beta where the feature you reported is implemented.
Thank you for your help in improving dbForge Studio for SQL Server. -
Schema Compare /Sync log
Currently on the command line, the /sync option allows you to specify a file to write the sync script to, instead of executing immediately. When no file is specified, the sync is executed immediately. I would like a way to send the results of the sync operation to a log file of type .txt.
I think it would be beneficial to have a couple of different logging levels:
0 - verbose; each object start and stop time, warnings, and errors
1 - warnings; only objects causing warnings or errors to occur
2 - only errorsWarnings should include the object…
4 votes -
Improve code completion support for OPENJSON / WITH fields
When OPENJSON along with WITH to list fields to pull from the JSON data the fields are not visible for code completion purposes. For example in the query below there is no code completion for B.* in the select list and the fields need to be entered manually.
SELECT PD.ProductDimId AS ProductDim
, [Date] = CAST(JSONVALUE(J.JSONData,'$.fields.trandate') AS DATE)
, TONumber = JSONVALUE(J.JSONData,'$.fields.tranid')
, TransactionInternalId = J.InternalId
, [Status] = JSONVALUE(J.JSONData,'$.fields.status')
, Line = B.line
, B.Quantity
, TOCurrentValueUSD = B.CurrentUSDValue
, TOLandedCostPerItem = b.LandedCostPerUnit
, FromLocation = CASE JSONVALUE(J.JSONData,'$.fields.location') WHEN 16 THEN 'In Transit/On Water' ELSE…4 votes -
DB Forge crashing
Probably 2-3 times a day DB Forge crashed. Quite often it does this while i'm not even using it. All I get is the windows 'dbForge Studio for SQL Server has stopped working' dialog (the one which has the Debug and Close Program buttons). This has started happening after the last update
4 votes -
Sticky "Object has invalid source text and cannot be saved"
Often, when editing functions, and I try to save something with invalid syntax, I will get a pop-up with "Object has invalid source text and cannot be saved" instead of the useful list of errors with line numbers. (However, the product still often red-underlines a problematic portion in these cases.)
That annoyance is separately reported here:
However, sometimes, after getting this once, every successive save will fail with that error, even after the problem has been resolved. Copying and pasting into SSMS will verify that it is correct. Then closing and re-opening the function editor window will allow me…
4 votesThis issue is fixed in the latest version 5.4 https://www.devart.com/dbforge/sql/studio/download.html
Comment / Un-comment a block of Code.
Frequently I have the need to comment or un-comment a section of my SQL code, e.g. a set of columns or a portion of a WHERE clause. It would be nice if I could select the block, right-mouse, and select comment/un-comment to place the "--" characters in front of the selected lines of code.
4 votes -
Show object (tables,views,etc) by schema in explorer
View object by schema. This would make the explorer more clear and easier to find objects if you've lots of tables and views split by schema
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Primary/foreign keys column icons
Add icons which will make it easier to distinct columns which are primary/foreign keys in database explorer.
4 votesThis feature is implemented in the new version 4.0 of dbForge Studio for SQL Server http://www.devart.com/dbforge/sql/studio/download.html
Provide the ability to export data in MS Excel 2010 format.
more than 65000 recordes can be experted in csv format files, but they cannot cope with ' or " is text fields.
4 votesThis feature is implemented in the new version 4.0 of dbForge Studio for SQL Server http://www.devart.com/dbforge/sql/studio/download.html
4 votes
This feature is implemented in the new version 4.0 of dbForge Studio for SQL Server http://www.devart.com/dbforge/sql/studio/download.html
Generate CRUD Matrix from a SQL Server database.
Generate a matrix showing tables vs. procs/functions that Create, Read, Update or Delete data in that table.
Perhaps this could be achieved by expanding the detail available in the "Used By" section of each table.
4 votesIn version 6.0, the new command ‘Generate Script As → CRUD’ is available in the popup menu of a table in Database Explorer.
This feature can be setup in the ‘Generate Scripts → CRUD’ section of the ‘Options window’ (select ‘Tools → Options…’ from the popup menu).
Add table triggers as an option to the Generate Scripts database scripting function
The Generate Scripts function under Tasks is missing the option to include database triggers in the list of available objects to include in the output. Triggers are a fundamental component for replicating database schemas and should be included in the scripted output.
4 votesTriggers are turned on by selecting the option ‘Script DML Triggers’ on the ‘Options’ page of the Generate Scripts Wizard https://snipboard.io/GJTyaf.jpg
4 votes
We would like to let you know that we have released dbForge Studio for SQL Server, v3.8 Beta where the feature you reported is implemented.
Thank you for your help in improving dbForge Studio for SQL Server. -
Interface for tSQLt
An interface for tSQLt tests. Schemas, procedures, add test, add test class (schema) and so on. Something like Red Gates Sql Test but as a VS add-in and with the ability to view a single database. Also. the ability to the various displayed objects would be very useful. Filters could be fairly simple, class name contains, test procedure contains, begins with, ... Would be nice if the filters could be saved between sessions but certainly not a requirement.
4 votes -
Migration Based Deployment System
I’m searching for an option that the database keeps a log of the migrations (scripts) that are already performed. When I’m deploying new migrations it can simply look which migrations are already done (or set to not done) and continue from there.
When my colleague is then updating his database he can execute all scripts which aren’t yet done on his database. This will results in his database being completely updated while saving, updating of removing the data (This is done without a compare (just script executions) which is great, because his changes aren’t removed). Then…
3 votes
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