DataCompare: Add option to turn ON\OFF Generation of "IF NOT EXISTS" on inserting
I have to script data so it won't produce an error when running the sql statement.. 80% of the time I have to manually update the data synch scripts like this:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.DescriptionReference WHERE DescriptionId = '0243b2d2-58b2-4aaf-8cfd-0011f036f0e3')
INSERT dbo.DescriptionReference(DescriptionId, CultureCode, IsDefault, Description, LongDescription, SourceTable, IsActive, Created, CreatedBy, Updated, UpdatedBy)
VALUES ('0243b2d2-58b2-4aaf-8cfd-0011f036f0e3', N'en-US', 1, N'2300 REF F8 - P', NULL, N'FormatRuleValue', 0, '2015-06-01', 'TESTA', '2015-06-01', 'TEST')
If I don't and the data exists it throws an error and stops our DB Upgrade process..
IT WOULD BE GREAT if you could have an option to turn on and off to generate the IF EXISTS line...