Bug: Line breaks removed before comments
New lines are removed between a parentheses or a comma and a comment.
see sample below.
Select * From(
Select 1 a
--comment after comma - rows above removed
2 t
--comment after field - rows above not removed
3 g)
/*comment after parentheses - rows above not removed*/

> New lines are removed between a parentheses or a comma and a comment.
> see sample below.
> Select * From(
> Select 1 a
> ,
> —comment after comma – rows above removed
This issue is fixed in the latest build 4.0.78: http://www.devart.com/dbforge/sql/sqlcomplete/download.html
> 2 t
> —comment after field – rows above not removed
> ,
> —sdf
This issue is fixed in the latest build 4.0.78.
> 3 g)
> /comment after parentheses – rows above not removed/
> a
Such behavior is currently by design. Though, you can carry this issue over to a new suggestion.
Joel Brown commented
Posting corrected code.
Select * From(
Select 1 a,
--comment after comma - rows above removed
2 t
--comment after field - rows above NOT removed which is correct
3 g)
/*comment after parentheses - rows above removed*/