Filter formatting options based on selection
This would likely have to wait until the live preview is implemented
It would be awesome if there was a way with the live preview for the UI to indicate which options affected a given line. So, for instance, you click on one of the conditions in the WHERE clause, and it indicates that the 'New Line Before', 'Indent Clauses', and 'Word Wrap' options all contributed to how this line looks. That way if, for instance, the formatter is placing the 'AND' statement after the condition rather than before as you would prefer, the many options would be filtered to just those that are relevant, and there is much less searching involved.
This might be relatively difficult to implement, but I think it would drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to configure the formatter to your preferred setup.

AdminDevart (_, Devart) commented
Thanks for your patience!
Just want to inform you that preview functionality has been implemented.
So we would like to suggest updating to the latest version and check there.
Devart Support Team