More estetics, more light
A) connection identification
a.1. paint background on crc24 of @@servername\db_name() with alfha at 15-20%
a.2. allow a logo on right-bottom from local file or table.field of current connection
B) if I have mySAP's 18.000 objects....
b.1. allow completition ondemand on key (TAB) with rotation searching:
objs: tblarc1, tblarc2, ...
select * from arc{1°TAB} -> tblarc1 {2°TAB} -> tblarc2
(can rotate or use SHIFT+TAB to go back)
b.2 show tooltip with complete list of fields when mouseon obj/sp/fn/etc. identifier (of course the info gathering come from a separated thread or stop if mouse exit from tooltip area)
C) editing
c.1. auto case watching 1st two chars of line/text/prev word.
c.2. special inline SP expantion ho metacommand as:
proc#test! -> the ! activate
call of "mySP" with param "proc#test"
and the output replace proc#test!
So I can integrate code develop with my meta-data
c.3 config from a local.svr.db to allow developer's farm common style
AdminDevart (_, Devart) commented
Thanks for your patience!
We've redesigned the interface, please update to the latest version.
Devart Support Team
Stefano Zaglio commented
c.6 when an identityes start with [ the autocompletition with purple keyword is not correct (ex. [key..). Actually I solved problem disabling completition of key ]
Stefano Zaglio commented
b.2.1 particularly when on #tmp table where there is a create table #tmp in the code above
Stefano Zaglio commented
c.4 manytimes I start my code with an SP .... F5. With actual version of sqlcompete need to write EXEC ...
c.5. obj! is replaced with source of obj. Of course we must understand if we are into if/where/case statement bu also simply do this if the O of "obj" start at 1st column or use CTRL+! as meta-command.