Script from Result Window
Shall we give some option to generate the Insert/Update/Delete scripts from the Selected Result Window
For Eg.
SELECT * FROM Employee WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE DepartmentID = 1
Lets assume that, this query returns five recards. The User should able to see Insert/Update/Delete Scripts menu when the User right clicks in the result window.
If the User Clicks Insert, we have to generate the Insert script for the Selected Rows & Columns.
If the User Clicks Update, we have to generate the Update script for the Selected Rows & Columns with the where clause. The where clause should map with primarykey.
If the User Clicks Delete, we have to generate the Delete script for the Selected Rows with the where clause. The where clause should map with primarykey.
Koob commented
Maybe the title/description of this suggestion could better be: Generate Insert/Update/Delete statements based on a given Select statement