Fix capitalization for identifiers with underscores in them _
I spend most of my time working in databases that (unfortunately) use _ underscores to separate words. For example, a table might be called VehicleRidershipActivity instead of VehicleRidershipActivity. This causes the "Proper Case" option to not work on any of these table names, column names, sproc names, etc..
The worst part is that even if I type them correctly or paste them in when they were correct, they will get "corrected" to all lower-case letters after the first letter (for example VehicleRidershipActivity will be changed to Vehicleridershipactivity).
If this is intended, please consider changing. If not intended, I'd absolutely love to see a fix. It's one of the very very few minor things I'd change about SQL Complete.
THANK YOU for a great product!!!!!!!!!!
Jared Christensen commented
I really appreciate your responding to this so quickly.
The "Initial caps each word" is the option I currently have enabled for Text Case -> Identifier Case. In the preview pane to the right of the Edit Formatting Profile window, it also has the behavior of not capitalizing letters following underscores.
If I select another option (such as "Upper") here and then type Vehicle_Ridership in the code pane to the right, then select the "Initial caps" option, it changes it to Vehicle_ridership.