Show SQL of filter
When creating a complicated filter I would like to export the generated select statement to clipboard so I can use it for update statements
This can be achieved as follows:
1. Select ‘Tools → Options’ from the main menu. The ‘Options’ window opens.
2. Navigate to the ‘Environment → Output’ branch.
3. Select the ‘Write queries sent by the program to the SQL Log’ option.
4. Restart dbForge Studio for MySQL.
Now you can view the corresponding queries on the ‘SQL Log’ tab of the ‘Output’ tool window that can be opened by selecting ‘View → Output’ from the main menu.
Jürgen Schulze commented
Yes, I found that out yesterday as well.
But "just" a "Copy SQL to clipboard" in the menu would be faster.
Anyways, thanks for answering thta fast.
I LOVE your tool