utf8mb4 support
The databse charset set to "utf8mb4" and the collation set to "utf8mb4generalci". The table set as same as database, this field same as database. But when run query statement, all the chinese character was unreadable, the comment of field does too. For the comment of field, the correct string should be "地区Id", when I edit the table, he character look such as "鍦板尯Id". The other mysql studio works fine, such as MySql Workbench, Navicat.
Anonymous commented
Devart is a big software company, but it can't fix encoding issue... I'm having so many problem with my customers on production servers.
JueLance commented
UTF-8. Thank you for your reminder, now I know why I got the incorrect character. Just modify the connection, change the encoding of connection can solve the problem.