Ability to display values of Binary columns as GUIDs
In MySQL studio the primary keys (binary(16)) are displayed as binary(example: "�J���/�H��>�}�'�" and not the GUID (example: "{a3884a8b-2fc0-48f0-95a8-3edd7d9527e9}").
I understand that it is not possible for MySQL studio to "know" that a Binary(16) is not just binary data, but a GUID.
In PHP there is a function to "decode" a GUID and display it as a string. The function is called "mssqlguidstring" (http://php.net/manual/en/function.mssql-guid-string.php ).
It would be nice to specify somewhere that all binary(16) fields are actually GUIDs and not just binary data. Something like "treat Binary(16) as GUID".

Peter V. commented
Some times I don't understand the developers. This idea is apparently almost 10 years old and it hasn't been implemented yet. I think a complete implementation with testing would take 1 day.
David Torres commented
thumbs up on this feature! Would be nice to have!
Chris Hynes commented
Been awhile on this one, but very useful. Any progress toward this with the new visualizers?
Kevin commented
I would like to see this as well. We use varbinary(16) to represent 32 character UUIDs (with no dashes) for things like primary keys and id fields.
Having the data grid automatically HEX() the value on read and UNHEX() on save would be a great feature to have. In other words, it would be nice to be able to see the hex UUID in the cells rather than a bunch of garbled characters.
Anonymous commented
Toad for MySQL does this automatically (in case that provides any extra motivation to get it done!)
Anonymous commented
I would like to see unified GUID handling not only in MySql, but in Oracle and Firebird as well.
Luka commented
A very good idea. We also store .Net GUID in MySql. It would be nice to see a kind of a feature like in phpMyAdmin for transforming the view of the fields. This can be usefull not only for GUID's in this example, but for all kind of data (view) transformation:
So I believe it would be the best if a user could define how to transform specific fields in the view grid, instead of saying that Binary(16) should always be treated as a GUID. MySql connector recently changed the GUID storage from Binary(16) to char(36), with an option to force the use of Binary(16) through a param in the connection string. Therfore it would be better if the user could define the treansformations in a simple way.
Of cours, also a list of predefined transformations is always welcome.