Setting to enable working with a database in implicit transactions
In the database menu we can start, commit and rollback transactions. But sometimes I forget to start a transaction, work with a database and then I want to rollback my changes, but I can't.
Would be nice if we had an option to start implicit transactions when working with a database.
Of course there are statements that cause an implicit commit, but users should be aware about them.
So, one of the use cases can be like this:
I open a new SQL window, write a few queries and execute them. And then I see links (buttons) to commit or rollback my changes.
Again, this should be an option, so users would choose the way that is more comfortable and native for them.

Jay commented
Like the one in MacOS dbeaver, it will show you a counter of how many statement executed, you can choose enable this mode for different type of connection (e.g. Only enable for production connection, equivalent as document type). When you finish execute all your command click commit button to commit all your changes.
LSTemp commented
autostart transaction option? right?