Copy or Move via Drag & Drop
Copy or Move via Drag & Drop of any item to another schema & across connections

gr8kodr commented
Drag and Drop across connections would seem dangerous to me, if one connection drops out there would be a high risk of data corruption or loss
Surely in this instance the "old" way of exporting to file and importing to new connection would be safer?
Also, I can't see how D&D between SQL versions on the same machine would be safe either ... surely that would make it too simple to retain obsolete schema structures and possibly "break" the new DB without being able to (easily) distinguish what causes the breakage
Sandy commented
Yes, I use this ALL the time in 2 other products. The drag and drop a table to another database is very handy. It's really just more of a general migration utility that is also lacking in dbForge. Options as other stated would be to copy data, data and structure.
LP commented
Just found that feature in a competitor product... Marvelous.
Would LOOVVEEE it in dbForge. -
srekis commented
Would be nice to implement copy/move by drag&drop functionality for tables in first time... for other objects we can generate script and run it under another connection directly... for tables is not so comfortable, we have to backup table to sql file and then open it run... would be usefull for copy tables from live to test or dev env...
MarkM commented
Agreed. While I was not specific regarding the exact functionality I was thinking this. It's not to much different than the existing right-click functionality. Complete schema would be a great feature!
LP commented
I'd add copy complete schema to other connection with drag & drop (of course with confirmation prompt), and optional renaming upon copy/move
LSTemp commented
nice idea. it require hard interface improve. longtime work.