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dbForge Studio for MySQL

dbForge Studio for MySQL is a universal set of MySQL GUI tools for database management, administration and development. It enables to create and execute queries, develop and debug MySQL routines, and automate MySQL database object management in the convenient environment.

dbForge Studio for MySQL



238 results found

  1. Using identical configuration and credentials, v9.2.34 (and previous versions) connects to my AWS Aurora MySQL instance over SSL. However, the v9.2.105 update does NOT connect. It returns a dialog stating "SSL connection error (2026): The server hello message uses a protocol that was not recognized."

    I tried many configurations, but none worked. Uninstalled and downgraded, worked on first try. Updated to latest and repeated test, same failure.

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  2. It only makes sense to combine these two options when SQL SECURITY is set to DEFINER. In the other case (INVOKER) it will cause a problem if the DEFINER is specified when restoring the database to a different environment - user will not exist or will not have the right privileges. "Exclude DEFINER" and "Exclude SQL SECURITY" should be two separate options when backing up a database.

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  3. Having the ability to compare formatted versions of stored procedures would allow to ignore stored procedures that are identical even if they are not formatted exactly the same.

    The performance cost would be marginal compared to the usefulness of sorting out equivalent stored procedures.

    When comparing code, what it does is what is important.

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  4. I want to retreive data with editable sql (select statement). It could be implemented now, but I want it in context menu.

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  5. On a table with system versioning, from context menu I select:
    Generate script as > CREATE > To new SQL window.
    And the output does not include SYSTEM VERSIONING data at all.
    When I run SHOW CREATE TABLE tablename - I get correct information.

    The same with "Edit table"
    (In general it would be nice to set, if "Generate script" uses dbForge engine, or from database "SHOW CREATE TABLE", because output sometimes is drastically different)

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  6. On a table with system versioning, from context menu I select:
    Generate script as > CREATE > To new SQL window.
    And the output does not include SYSTEM VERSIONING data at all.
    When I run SHOW CREATE TABLE tablename - I get correct information.

    The same with "Edit table"
    (In general it would be nice to set, if "Generate script" uses dbForge engine, or from database "SHOW CREATE TABLE", because output sometimes is drastically different)

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  7. Support system versioned table syntax and settings toggle for tables/columns in mariadb 10.3+
    For example
    is not detected as valid syntax, nor is it suggested for code completion
    Also need to be able to turn on/off system versioning per column/table in edit table dialog.

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  8. We would store the connection information in comment, there is no problem when we first create the table in SQL script, but once we want to modify and generate the script from dbForge Studio, comment field get trimmed and stored information is missing

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  9. copy databaes not works when we try copy from ndbd to innodb cluster.
    if exist options skip engine it will be works

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  10. On 4 K monitors displayed letters appear very small, difficult to read and another slightly bigger problem is, that some notifications and input boxes overlap and hide themselves a bit, f.ex. in IMPORT DATA function.
    I currently help myself with changes in screen resolution.

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  11. all my apps have a dark mode.. it hurts my eyes to use yours

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  12. Mysql database copy from innodb to ndbcluster is not possible becuase when we copy we can't chose without engine set. In result on cluster each database use same engine as source (not clustered)

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  13. i upgraded to mysql 5.7 because i want to profit from the virual field feature. dbforge studio for mysql does not yet implement an editor for formulas in virtual fields.

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  14. In MariaDB (as of 10.1.1), compound statements are allowed outside of stored procedures - see

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. In the present solution, you can't copy databases from MySQL ndbcluster - cluster to standalone MySQL.

    not work from cluster to normal server because when we copy
    we cant unselect engine type (on normal server not exist ndbcluster engine )

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  17. When I insert new record to table using table editor, ( id int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ) new field doesn't give the proper ID number. Seems like the editor can't find next free ID on auto increment field

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  18. I dont need data types in column headings, it disturbs me.

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  19. Adding column select/typing like in notepad++ and SSMS.

    ALT + left mouse button, and drag

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  20. When backing up a database or creating CREATE script from a table, the auto_increment attribute is not set on a column which is not defined as a primary key.


    CREATE TABLE wpquestionsformelement (
    elementid int(11) NOT NULL AUTO
    formid int(11) NOT NULL,
    elementorder int(11) NOT NULL,
    typecode varchar(50) NOT NULL,
    params varchar(3000) DEFAULT NULL,
    questionid int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    attachmentid int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    mandatory bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0',
    deletedflag tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    PRIMARY KEY (formid, element
    INDEX idxwpquestionsformelementelementid (elementid)
    ENGINE =

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