93 results found
PLease let us lock tables and relationships to protect them from sync.
I run a non trivial database - some hundreds of tables. We often use (sql server) views to generate statistical data for entities (i.e. they see how many sub objects are there etc.) so that we can easilfy filter by them (some of those views include some quite complex properties.
Views can not have primary keys. Mine have them (i.e. they are not double) but I can not set that up in SQL Server.
In order to us them properly I have to manually define a primary key and then I can use an association between the view and the…
4 votes -
Allow Configurable SQL naming conventions
The code Generation templates of Entity Developer allow to customize how the .NET code Looks like, but as far as I can see there is no way to define how Database object names are generated.
It would be great to be able to have the database Generation script somehow configurable.
I don't Need anything but changing the Name Generation for Triggers and sequences, so Options to configure that would solve my current Problem as well, especially as I guess making the whole Generation template configurable might be error prone.
3 votes -
separate class for each package
Linq to SQL. in case of huge database it is very difficult to work with stored procedures mishmash, when the package logical grouping is lost. In simple way it has the workaround with package name prefix.
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Naming rules are applied for parameters names of the generated methods.
The parameters will be generated like they were created in oracle, sqlserver, mysql, etc. We can setup naming roles for parameters names of the generated methods.
3 votes -
Add properties in DbContext templates
It would really help if you implement few new properties in DbContext template (and maybe other but I work with that).
1.Output directory for generated partial classes (if we want to create them)
2. Set the filename of Context file (now model name and file name are same)
3. Take into consideration "Model name as file prefix" also for context class as it is for entities3 votes -
Reload Template After Editing V(isual)S(tudio) out
Due to poor template editing inside vs (visualize blocks, search capability) I often edit template outside VS; However it is not reloaded when I go go back to VS as it happens with other files.
It would be nice if implemented.
3 votes -
Add automated rename feature
A few of our class names come out of the regenerate model needing slight changes. Give the user the ability to add mapping of generated name to the name they want to use. And give the user the ability to save this mapping to a file where they choose. Every time I regenerate I need to manually map the names.
3 votes -
.NET 5 Source Generation Support
Create a template that supports using .NET 5 Source Generation instead of creation of traditional class files.
3 votes -
Improve support for custom types (NHibernate)
Currently you can define 'Typedefs' and assign an 'IUserType' converter to properties, but there's a lot of room for improvement:
1.- Add support for 'ICompositeUserType' converters. That implies adding the possibility of assigning more than one column to a single property.
Allow defining known 'IUserType' and 'ICompositeUserType' coonverters, with their expected column types and property types, so they can be selected inside the 'Edit Property' view instead of having to manually type their name in the property grid. When a converter is selected the columns list for that property should be pre-filled acording to its definiton.
Include typedefs in the…
3 votes -
Add Entity Designer support for Entity Parameters in Model-Defined Functions
Entity Framework supports Entity type parameters to MDF's in the conceptual model. Entity Designer does not. As a company who has migrated from EDMX to EDML for all your other advantages, this was a disappointing surprise that you don't support what EF does.
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Support for code first development
Support for the EF4 CTP about the code first development. See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/efdesign/archive/2010/06/21/productivity-improvements-for-the-entity-framework.aspx
3 votes -
Support CsvHelper ClassMap<T> code generation
This project for CSV manage is very popular :
https://joshclose.github.io/CsvHelper/but this is not working directly with DevArt code generation because of decorations during class generation.
BUT the author as already think about it and here’s the solution to import a simple country class:
public sealed class MyClassMap : ClassMap<Country>
public MyClassMap()
Map(m => m.Id);
Map(m => m.Name);
}Since this code is database dependent, it should be updatable at the same time as the classes generated by EntityDeveloper
3 votes -
"Recreate Database Tables"
I develop model first with Entity Developer. When starting a new project, its nice to use the "Recreate Database Tables" option in the "Update to database wizard". But, when the program is live, this option is DANGEROUS and can delete the tables in the database.
It would be nice, at some point, to go to the model settings and disable this checkbox so that it cannot accidently be clicked out of habit.
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Ability to use custom types as template extended properties
I created a class to use as a property type in my template. When used as template property:
<#@ property name="TestProp" type="MyPropType"#>
everything is fine. But if I use it as extended property:
<#@ extended name="TestProp" type="MyPropType" owner="Class" #>
it doesn't work. I can see the property in property inspector, but it's not functional.Example property type:
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter)), DataContract] public class MyPropType: NotifiedPropertyObjectBase {
[Browsable(true), DefaultValue(true), RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.Repaint), DisplayName("Write"), Description("Read.")]
public bool Write { get; set; }....
3 votes -
Generate LinQ Code out of SQL Statement
Having the posibility to Enter "normal" SQL Code and out of this, generate the right LinQ Code.
3 votes -
Oracle connectionstring DSN-less
Since we can connect to Oracle without using a TNSNAMES.ORA by fully specifing de DSN entry I think the connection interface should manage this by itself.
An example of a DSN-less connectionstring:Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESSLIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=MyHost)(PORT=MyPort)))(CONNECTDATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=MyOracleSID)));User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
3 votes -
Add support for dark mode or additional DX dark themes
Given that the product uses DX libraries, I would love to see the new DX SVG themes integrated into the application. This is one of the few apps that don't have a true "dark mode" or theme that replicates a "dark mode". Seems like this would be an easy upgrade that would add a tremendous amount of value for our team and their eyes.
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Include Devexpress XPO in your code generator
Include Devexpress XPO in your code generator
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State Machine
I used to use Eco (now called MDriven) which provided Entity-State logic as part of the entity design.
Developer could define a number of "state machines" per entity, where control logic was applied as Guards (code that evaluates to prevent state X->Y change); Trigger (code that executes during the transition); Effect (code that executes at the conclusion of the transition).
For ex. I could have an "OnlineOrder" entity with an initial state of "ShoppingCart" and want it to go through the stage of "OrderEntry" then "OrderConfirmed", and finaly "OrderShipped".
see http://www.new.capableobjects.com/ for more details.
3 votes -
Automatic Data Model Creation from Service Reference
Add functionality to automatically generate a Data Model based on a Service Reference. (.svc link)
3 votes
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