93 results found
dark theme as in VS2012 for standalone version
please support a dark theme as in VS2012 in the standalone version of entity developer
13 votes -
Progress bar from code generation
For a big model, the code generation take a long time and it's in a background process.
The dialogue of success appear only at the end and often the window isn't in foreground.
10 votes -
implement a "Unique" feature for properties
This should then create a unique constraint for the corresponding column in SQL.
Often there are fields that are not primary key, but still need to be unique "natural part numbers" are a common example.7 votes -
Add ability to preserve custom code in both mapping and class files through "custom code region"
Give user ability to add his own custom code to both mapping and class files which is preserved through "custom code region"
// -- Begin custom code region --
// -- End custom code region --6 votes -
update ONE class from database
it would be nice if we can update only ONE entity from database.
a right-click menu option "update this entity from database" on entity would be perfect solution.currently, is is pretty painful to do so, since we have to start from all objects and un-check everything except the entity that we are interested in.
thank you
9 votes -
Update stored procedure complex type
Now, that you can update model quite easy the only problem is the complex types, that are generated. There should be an option in update wizard to force execute selected stored procedure to get the result and check against current mapped complex type or you could force update for a selected procedure in Methods. Currently, its a big pain to update procedures, that have changed output. You have to hunt them down one by one and add them again. It should not be that complicated.
19 votes -
Standalone object model library to read/write edml
There is an object-model to read and write the edml but it is only accessible from Entity Developer.
It would be great to have a standalone library (dll) that you can use in your own code generation environment (without Entity Developer and T4). This way you can use whatever tools and techniques for code generation.9 votes -
Support for converting underscore notation to PascalCase and vice versa
I would like to be able to convert my database objects, which are in underscore notation into PascalCase when I do database-first work. Likewise, I would like to convert my PascalCase .NET objects into underscore notation in the database when doing model-first. So
MYGREATTABLE becomes MyGreatTable and, MyGreatClass would become MYGREATCLASS.7 votes -
Have a button that lets you reset or order the numbers in a enum
In the Edit mode when designing a enum it would be great if there was a button that would reset the numeric values to all blank values. It would also be great if there was another button that would assign numeric values from either 0 to n or to 1 to n (give the user the option for either starting with 0 or 1) each value of the enum. At the moment if I have a enum with 40 values in it and I put a new enum in the middle I need to go through and change a ton…
13 votes -
Customise private properties in generated classes
My company uses a standard naming convention for private variables in classes which is different to the format produced by your product. It appears one cannot change this format from the layout eg '_MyPrivateVariable' to 'myPrivateVariable'. We use camel case for private variable declarations. I notice that there isn't an option for camel case at all. My recourse at the moment is to hand edit all the class files or develop a script to do this.
1 vote -
Castle Active Record : add ActiveRecordMediator-style template
First of all, thanks for your great work ! Your Castle Active Record template is excellent.
It would solve a very common problem if you could add another template which generates classes that do not inherit from ActiveRecordBase (see http://www.castleproject.org/activerecord/documentation/trunk/advanced/mediator.html).
That should create <ClassName>.cs with attribute-decorated properties and optionally another, <ClassName>Repository.cs
3 votes -
Support for macro-style automations
We use Entity Developer for large projects. It would be really helpful if we could automate certain simple but time-consuming tasks.
E.g. when a class is created, we want certain properties to be created automagically (<ClassName>ID, <ClassName>Version, LastUser, LastDate etc)
10 votes -
After creating a Entity Model based on SQL Server 2008, I have to change the connection string so that queries run correctly.
I have to add...
MultipleActiveResultSets=True;If would be nice if the Entity Developer would have this set by default just like the VS 2010 EDM designer.
Also, It would be nice to be able to modify the connection properties using the "Edit Model Setting" screen instead of having to edit the string manually in the .edps code file.
1 vote -
2 votes
Generate interfaces for conetxt and entity classes
Generate interfaces for purposes of testing.
16 votes -
View pregeneration in the DbContext template
Support view pregeneration in the DbContext template when generating fluent mapping.
7 votes -
Stored procedure support in the DbContext template
Implement the generation of the context methods for stored procedures added to the conceptual model in the designer when using the fluent mapping.
3 votes -
Configuration classes in the DbContext template
Ability to choose whether to generate fluent mapping for all entities in the OnModelCreating method or to implement fluent mapping generation in the separate configuration classes - a class per entity.
0 votes -
Add object names filter and grouping to Explorer
Some databases are so large, what it is too difficult to find your objects.
Or, for example, you develop some extensions for MySQL-based CMS and you wont to see only your objects.
Possibility to add filter (like in SQL Server Management Studio) would be very helpfull.8 votes -
Support DB-agnostic Models
Model should be DB-agnostic. One or more DB connections to a specific DB can be defined. These could be used for synchronization, XML mapping file generation etc. when requested by user. This way, a single model is maintained for more than one DB types. Now, there is not a simple way to accomplish this.
22 votes
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