dbForge Studio for FireBird/InterBase
At least some MySQL users ought to be thinking of MySQL alternatives as Oracle will no longer have to maintain MySQL's dual licensing scheme in 2015. FireBIrd is free, mature, well supported and fast.
Also, there are no 'real debuggers' for FireBird that actually run the scripts on the server the way DbForge debugger for MySQL works.

Gary Shelton commented
Fully support this suggestion. Such tool for working with firebird/interbase servers is much needed.
Current best option is Database Workbench from Upscene
Luis Fernando Buelvas Tovar commented
Dada la calidad de los productos de Devart, sería cliente para el producto dbForge Studio for Firebird/Interbase. La característica principal para mi trabajo es un Analizador de Rendimiento, se encuentra en muy pocos productos.
Luis Fernando Buelvas Tovar commented
Dada la calidad de los productos de Devart, sería cliente para el producto dbForge Studio for Firebird/Interbase. La característica princiapl para mi trabajo es un Analizador de Rendimiento, se encuentra en muy pocos productos.
Anonymous commented
Só reforsando o texto "O FireBIrd é gratuito, maduro, bem suportado e rápido.
Além disso, não há 'verdadeiros depuradores' para o FireBird que realmente executam os scripts no servidor da maneira que o depurador DbForge para o MySQL funciona."
Achei interessante a ferramenta, mas precisamos de uma versão para o Firebird SQL.
Jose Eduardo Lonsdale commented
I use dbForge extensively with mySQL and cant find a comparable tool for firebird
Jan Rosko commented
I create some test with dbForge and MySQL and is very best. But we don't use MySQL for our licensig/propietary product, because of ambiguous licensing scheme. We have no time and money for long discussion with lawyer, we must program. And therefore we call for product as dbForge. For comparation i call attention to Database Workbench from Upscene, but dbForge functionality is for me more intuitive. I hope, that we can soon look forward with this dbForge version.
Zoltán Kovács commented
Hi! I'm a loyal Devart customer for years. I have a lot of products, but only one is missing. A DBForge for FIrebird. I'm sure, I will be the one of first customers after releasing.
I tried many Firebird / IB tools, but they are too expensive and not so usefull with (for example) Delphi like DBForge for mysql or mssql. I agree with Elizeu Moresco and Coolday.
Elizeu Moresco commented
Here in Brazil Firebird is the most widely used Database, from small to large companies , and a dbForge for Firebird would be guaranteed success.
coolday commented
some important features for this tool are:
Debugging Stored procedure, Visual query builder, view DDL for tables, search metadata, extract metadata
currently the best tool is IBExpert so make a comparison please
Omid commented
Yes, Tools for working with firebird is really needed. Thank you.
AdminDevart (_, Devart) commented
Fully support this suggestion. Such tool for working with firebird/interbase servers is much needed.